
Will I be in contempt of court if I show up where I say I'll be for child exchange?

by Guest63535  |  earlier

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My ex-boyfriend has been tresspassed off of my property for stalking and harrassing me. The judge just last week gave my ex some visitation rights without looking at any of the facts (like he's a drug dealer and felon). My ex refuses to meet me at the police station and is insisting on coming to my house eventhough a police officer heard him say this and told him not to do this because he will be arrested for it. My ex clearly doesn't want to be a father, he just wants to 'win' and hurt me any way he can. I will only meet him at the police station because of the many threats he has made against me. If he comes to my house or sends someone else to my house, instead of coming to the police station to pick up his kid for the first time, I won't be in contempt of the court, right?




  1. Your ex must abide by the terms of the custody agreement, in this case if he doesn't go to the police station for the exchange he will be in violation of the agreement.  By the way, the judge who granted this agreement is an idiot.

  2. You won't be in contempt because YOU didn't do anything wrong.  If you do go to the police station, I would make sure to leave a trusted family member or friend at your house so they can call the police if he does show up there.

  3. Why would you be in contempt if you didn't do anything wrong?

  4. Call the police as soon as he shows up at your house. He will be arrested. You will not be in contempt if you refuse to hand over the child at any place other than the police station.

    Pray he does show up at your house. He'll go to jail, and you can get a full restraining order which prevents him from seeing you and the kids.

    Good luck.

    And start logging all the c**p  he tells you. Keep a record, or even better stop taking his phone calls.

  5. aren't obligated to release your child to anyone but him.  If he shows up at your house, get your child out of ear shot and call the police.....the judge needs to see how bad it is and may cut down on visitation.

    Be at the police station 15 minutes ahead of time, in fact, I would not be home for about 2 hours before...go somewhere else and then go to the police station and wait around.

    I bet he doesn't want to go near the station because he has warrants out!

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