
Will I be in pain after the padding is taken out of my dry socket? (Wisdom Teeth)?

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I had a dry socket after my wisdom teeth extraction, and the doctor put some padding into the socket to relive the pain.. Which it did, however whenever I apply pressure onto the socket, it gives me a lot of pain (like it was when I had the dry socket). I am going to get the padding taken out tomorrow, and the doctor is going to give me a syringe with water in it to clean out my sockets on a regular basis..

When I get this padding taken out, will I be in pain like I was before the padding with the dry socket?






  1. Probably just a little bit.

  2. Nah

    It's just going to feel kind of funky, empty I guess, which makes sense because it's empty now, lol.  

    ALWAYS use your syringe after every mean, if you don't then foot particles will find their way into your empty sockets, and that's just weird feeling.

    But no, it won't hurt.  You might experience a slight discomfort, if so then you could take an Advil.

    Did you have all of them taken out at once?  Completely irrelovent, just curiouse. I did.

    Best of wishes :)

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