
Will I be induced with my 2nd baby?

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I was induced with my 1st baby because i was 1 week overdue. Will i be induced with my 2nd baby also or can i still go into labor naturally?




  1. no one can answer that. not even your Dr. you just have to wait and see, all pregnancies and all deliveries are different even in the same woman. you'll just have to wait it out and see. Good Luck honey!

  2. You can go into labor naturally, if you don't go overdue and there aren't any health problems the doc may be concerned about. My sis was induced with her first because she went a week overdue. And then with her second she went into it naturally. Infact she wasn't even really expecting it that day. She had went to eat with a friend and then when her and her little girl got home she had realized that she had locked them out of the house in the middle of hot august. She said that she knew that she felt different while waiting an hour for her husband to come home to unlock the door. Then she passed her plug that day and then a few hours later she started labor around three and then after midnight she had another little girl. She says its less painful to not be induced. She was dialated to 8 before they gave her an epidural.  

  3. not necessarily, you can go in naturally  

  4. i am due in 18 days, this is my 4th and i have been induced with the 3 previous children.....first one was a few days overdue and he felt it necessary, second one i was 10 days overdue and the third one i wanted to be induced early so they a days the doctors will induce once you get to your 37th week if you want.....i don't recommend it because you lay in the hospital for a whole day usually getting an IV with poticin to get your contractions to get going but in the mean time you are having tons of pain and they really can't give you anything good until your cervix opens up more....with my third child i went in on Thursday and stayed in labor all that day and the next day until the finally broke my water on Friday afternoon.....i got some pain meds but they only helped for a while. I say let your body works like it supposed to and relax at home until you can't stand the pain anymore or your water breaks. I told my doctor that I didn't want my labor induced unless they were going to break my water right when i got there so that means i would have to be already progressing on my own.....hope this helps....everyone is to your dr and ask him/her how they do it.....

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