
Will I be ok drinkin tonight?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well im gettin absolutley wastedddd 2nite :)

Ive eaten some sweets, for dinner I had some pasta and a chicken lattice, and for pudding I had ginger sponge with custard.

Im a lightweight as it is but will eating what I have keep me from throwing up?




  1. Actually, filling up on meat such as burgers or steak, with some rice or whatever usually works best.  Sugar can actually be a bad thing because it adds to the alcohol.

    I'm small too and it is what works.

  2. When they show one of those TV progs where they show all the drunken women spewing up and fighting at closing time, I just hope that YOU aren't one of them. I mean, ginger sponge pudding............ ! ! !

  3. No, you won't be alright.  If you plan on drinking too much you will most likely do and/or say things you will regret (if you can even remember them) when you sober up.  Why not drink less & have more fun which you will REMEMBER tomorrow?  You also won't have any concerns about throwing up.  Being the "drunk" at a party is never cool and getting wasted will make you feel like garbage tomorrow.

  4. No telling. Depends how many drinks you have and what they are. Try a glass of milk as it lines your stomach. Enjoy!

  5. Getting wasted is not good. Even though you have eaten, what you drink may combine with that to make you very sick. Please be responsible, know your limits, and if you do get wasted make sure you have a designated driver that is not drinking, to take you home.

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