
Will I be ok if I go to Russia.?

by  |  earlier

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Im black and American, but I love Russia, and the language, im currently learning it right now, a bit hard, but I love it, so if i go to Russia, will i be ok??




  1. There are militant racists everywhere. Having said that, the number of racially motivated attacks in Russia is on the rise, especially in Moscow. I'm not sure, but I think St. Petersburg is more cosmopolitan in that respect.

  2. Look this video and you will see how safe you will be..

  3. Yes, why would it not be?

  4. Havent you watch the News russia and Georgia i would Say  NOno

  5. As Long as you are smart about it!

    Do your research and just be observant!

    Good Luck

  6. You have asked this before. You'll be fine, just stay away from gruesome looking teens walking around in gangs.

  7. There were literally no black people in Russia at all. In the soviet times, people were racist about blacks. You may have a problem with the older generations not wanting to have anything to with you, but there are more black people now (you'll probably see more of them in Moscow and St.Petersburg, the larger cities) and people are beginning to grow more open minded, so you shouldn't have a problem with the younger generations (anyone under 70).

  8. Yea but id watch out for the georgia russia war going on

  9. Travel anywhere and you take a risk.Stick to the larger towns and major city.There are skinheads and such but you can find that anyplace you go in most of  Europe and the US as well.Just be smart and don't wander off into any dark streets,unknown clubs and rural area and you should be ok.Be aware of your surroundings.

    You should be fine...

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