
Will I catch a cold in this circumstance?

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I have been in good health these last two weeks. Eating well. Sleeping right. I gave a friend a lift. We were in the car 10 minutes. He had a cold (was coughing and full of mucous). What are the chances I will catch it?




  1. Actually that can be airborne (did he cough or sneeze?) or spread by touch (possibly the two of you shook hands, then you touched mucous membrane on your face). Once you were exposed to the virus, your immune system comes into play. Sounds like yours might be in peak condition at the moment, so chances are you will not get ill. But you might. How's that for ambivilence?

  2. not a high chance i would say.  

  3. Highly unlikely... just keep eating right and sleeping right and you should be fine.  You get a higher chance going into work, or a movie theater.  

  4. you wnt. unless you kiss him or something, that would spread it

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