
Will I continue to have growth spurts?

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Okay, I'm a 13 year old boy(turning 14 this month, on the 23rd), 5'1ish last time I checked, about 8-9 months ago. Before 6th grade, I was pretty much shorter than the rest of the classroom. When I hit 6th grade however, I had a significant increase in height as well as my voice beginning to mature and I THINK i started growing pimples, and I became average height compared to the other kids. That was amazing for me, until..

I'm now 13(or 14), and all the other kids seem to be growing taller than me, like going back to the ratio of when I was younger.

This is the summer before high school smacks us like a train wreck, and my friends are starting to grow taller than me, so the balance is gone.

My buddies are going through their growth spurt (busting out in pimples, etc), and I'm afraid I already HAD mine so I won't get one and catch up like last time and I'll be stuck under 5'5 for the rest of my life.


-Did I mature too early?

-Will I continue to have growth spurts, even if they're not as significant?

-Is it possible for me to break out above the 5'5 area, or at least 5'4?

I put off asking this question to people because I felt kind of insecure talking about puberty to people because I didn't really trust anyone to understand. Until i found yahoo answers, you guys are like freaking experts.




  1. hahah i am a girl answering your question

    im cool

    im guessing you are going to grow still cause i was as tall (i have always been small) than most guys at the start of high school and now they are all like taller than me

    dont worry just wait it out

    without pimples ahahha

  2. Well, in a male life we can - virtually - follow two stages of the growth, the first coming with the birth and starting in our mum's belly and another revealing itself noticeably during puberty. The first refers - in general - to the growth involving the whole body, but the height mainly. Although this development ends around 20-22 y.o. our organs as well as skin or hair will go on to renew and regenerate and until the death. Puberty is a particular time of our life when some glands start to work more triggering an amazing process that change radically and quickly the human body & mind! For male, the average age is among 11-13 years and in a couple of year the child will turn in a man! It's called sexual development and usually ends slowly around 18-20 years. During that time comes the well-known "growth spurt" where the development of the sexual organs and the increase of the height are fast and clearly noticeable. At last, remember that any thing concerning growth or development depend on genetic causes only!

    Thus, if your height will stop at 5,6 ft. you just can do nothing!

    Besides, aside from the growth-spurt, as I told the growth still will continue also if in a slower way. If now you're getting some other doubt let me know then.....


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