
Will I die if I do a shot of overproofed rum?

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this rum is 63% proof...wray and intention is to get wasted, not dead...any thoughts? I just took half a shot cut with cranberry juice and I felt like my throat was closing up...




  1. u should be fine, it sounds like you are way too young to be drinking though.

    Happy 4th!!

  2. 63 proof means that it is only 31.5% alcohol.  Compared to many liquors, this is nothing.  If you are a lightweight and haven't drank much, take it slowly.  Just have your shot, give it 20 minutes, and see how you feel.  Have another if you aren't there yet.  If you don't feel good, then don't do it.

    I highly recommend that you limit yourself after a couple of drinks if you haven't drank much prior to this.  Also, drinking a LOT of water (at least 1 glass of water for each shot of alcohol) will help prevent a hangover.

  3. you are pretty dumb and probably should do some research if you think you can die from drink 63% rum.

  4. 63 proof sounds like it's actually watered down! .....We buy 180 proof Jamaican rum!

  5. That isn't that high of ethanol concentration.

    Old Grandad is 102 proof...or 51 percent alcohol

    You can drink 100 percent alcohol right out of the bottle if you can choke it down, but I don't recommend it.

    Why are you so set on getting wasted?  Bad day?

  6. well if you did half a shot and felt like that, why would you want to go any further with that?  common sense would tell you that you should leave that **** alone. Don't be curious about that any more just leave that alone, and live.

  7. Don't drink it!!!  If you are allergic, and it sounds like you are, you could go into an alcoholic coma or die.

  8. That kind of rum (navy strength) is meant (historically) for diluting with water and drinking as grog.  It is an acquired taste, and frankly suitable for fruit punches only.  So 1 shot rum threes shots pineapple juice splash of grenadine, and sip slowly. Enjoy

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