
Will I die lonely and alone?

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Will I die lonely and alone?




  1. Only if you don't try.

    Maybe you should take up Yoga or something, get into a social circle.

  2. No way to tell at this stage, spend less time on your computer and get out more to reduce the odds.

  3. maybe.

  4. nobody knows that.

  5. Agree with others, If you have that mentality then perhaps you will!!!

    Live your life, don't just exist and who knows what wonders it will bring to you.

  6. You will not know. None of us will.  

  7. I am afraid you will know the answer to that better than anyone in here - but if you make an effort to get out there and meet people then no, there is no reason why you should die lonely and alone.

    Good luck and take care :)

  8. sorry i'm not a fortune teller so I really can't say.

  9. you will if you live lonely and alone

  10. no if you repent your sins and confess Jesus as your Savior He will be with you... i talk about salvation , not about religion , churches etc

  11. Will you??????????? Thats my question to you.

  12. Why not volunteer for big brothers big sisters and share your life with someone else.  Also you could answer some of the personal ads in the newspaper where people are looking for local dates.  You could also look in the paper for groups that meet and share similar interests or even support groups.  You could go to the library an help with the literacy program or join a book club.  You could volunteer to tutor youths.  You might meet someone in these places that you will marry.  Also you could join a church/temple/mosque.

  13. wow, i thought i was the only one thinking this way.  

  14. You're never  alone if you have Jesus.

  15. You born onto this world alone and you will die alone!

  16. Nobody knows what life has planned for as. And nobody knows how we are going to die. You can have a large family and lots of friends and still die in your bed alone at night. Or you can walk around in a shopping centre, surounded by people and drop dead. So you just do not know untill the time comes. Don't think about it, live your life.

  17. That depends upon how you live your life.

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