
Will I ever get over this???

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I was in love with this guy from about 3 years. We were dating. I loved him more than anything I was soo crazy about him. I broke up with him about a year ago because he was the typical "bad boy" and I was the typical "good girl" and as we were getting older us being soo different was started to be more obvious. I became super stressed all the time and really depressed because I knew we both didn't fit into each others worlds and I loved him and it hurt.

Its been a year since I broke up with him. When I broke up with him it was on bad terms I just told him off for something he did and cut off all contact with him. I couldn't of done it any other way because I loved him so much so I couldn't just have him as my friend.

For about 3 months I've been dating this guy who's the typical "good boy" and hes alot like me. He is doing really good in life and has all these great goals and dreams. I care about this guy alot. But it seems like one day I can see myself being with him forever and then the next im missing my ex and regretting breaking up with him. One day its like it feels right with my new bf but the next day I miss my ex. Its also hard because my ex moved on too and hes with the typical "bad girl" so its hard seeing him with someone whose sooo different from me.

Why do you think that one day I feel I could be with my new boyfriend for ever and the next it changes?

Will I ever get over my ex?






  1. If you decide can choose to live in the past, anguishing over what was and could have been, in that case, you'll never get over it, because you'll never let it go.

    Part of your problem revolves around the fact you don't have closure in your former relationship.  You keep using the word "love", love means you want the best for the other person, even if it's not you.  Might have been desire, need, want, lust, you didn't act as if it were love.

    First of all, get some closure.  Go back and find the ex, apologize for How you ended your relationship, (I don't care if he's a bad boy or not, nobody deserves to be treated like that), if possible, its' best if both of you can agree to move on.

    See what the future brings.


  2. I think everybody has the "what if" ex. The person they broke up with and had second thoughts of what might have been. I have a few of those. But I'm married to a wonderful woman that takes great care of me and our kid. I still think "what if" every now and then, but i'm happy with the choices I made. Every relationship has it's ups and downs, but you have to take the good with the bad.

  3. Sounds like your still learning about yourself and have some growing to do. I don't think you should be with either until your completely comfortable with yourself.

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