
Will I ever get to where I want to be in life?

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21 y.o and have worked so hard to be a nurse. I've got my AA degree, volunteered, and worked as a nursing assistant. I'm a "good girl" and gave up the social scene for my career. I'm very ambitious and silly as it sounds have always envisioned me in my early-mid 20's being a happy nurse - helping other ppl and getting that feeling in return. My dream is just to be a successful, happy, independent career woman, an adult. Even though it will be hard, I'm kinda anticipating the stresses of living on my own, paying for bills/my own things, dealing w. stupid co-workers, and just being an independent woman.

I was LUCKY and got into nursing school last quarter. God knows I worked my *** off but unfortunately got a 74% when passing was 75%. I was devastated and just accepted that in life, $hit happens and you just have to move on and keep working at it. Looking back, I had alot of growing up to do and couldn't have "grown up" unless I went through that experience - it was something pre-reqs couldn't teach me. During school, i was going through this "weird phase" in my life. I was 21 and everything around me changing and I just kept getting confused and lonely. Besides the whole "21" thing, nursing school was also changing me. B/c of the way I grew up, I had to stop being "scared" and just do it, I have to be confident in making my OWN decisions and not let guilt trip or any approval/disapproval affect me.

Most of the kids I graduated HS with, have graduated and are in their careers. I'm happy for them but jealous b/c they get to enjoy their life - they're living my dream of being the happy, independent career person I want to be and I feel stuck b/c I'm not even IN my major. :( Will I get there?




  1. things do happen for a reason, i feel like u do just know that there are better stuff in store for u and when gods ready for u to have it you will

  2. Sounds to me that u are a successful person already because u have a good attitude.

    I think u will definitely get there!

    You could get some advice from your nursing tutor as to what to do next, seems to me that you will make a excellent nurse! And don't give up

    good luck :)

  3. Only if you really want to :) and yeah I believe things happen for a reason to a certain extent I think life is nice enough to let you decide at times so just make sure you make the right decisions or at least the ones that seem right at the moment good luck! stop being so scared of failure go out and enjoy your life!  

  4. Things happen to everybody! How do you know those people you graduated in HS with are happy? They could be miserable too. Your going to have to retake that class again and work hard. You can make a 75%. Im going to be in nursing school too soon. YES you will get there, you are a hard worker. I always here about how people dont have social lives in nursing school because classes are intense and there are a LOT of things you need to know. Hardwork ALWAYS pays off in the end. So yes you will get to be where you want to be in life being a happy, independent, hardworking, career woman. Dont let one failure define your whole life thus far. You should be proud that you have come so far. Its hard enough to get into nursing school these days with all the comptetion and shortage of teachers in nursing school. If you need moral support from other nurses and nursing students its a great forum that I just found is www.allnurses. com I'am addicted to it! I have found out tons of great information from the website. I wish you luck.

  5. go back and get that degree the whole thing is people give up too early and you are still young enough to do that finish what you started it was one point and you are not the only one to have to go back and do it again it will be worth it.  I will pray that you reach your goal you can do this

  6. Success is never EASY. Work is never FUN. Work hard and you MIGHT succeed, but there are NO GUARANTEES and you must keep on trying.

    Make some new goals for yourself. You've already achieved your first one. Look at your life in a more "Big Picture" way. It is hard, but you are a hard-worker and ultimately you will get the life you are working toward.

    Any obstacles will only make you stronger.  

  7. Just keep pushing yourself, you will reach your dream but you have to try, work towards your goal and do what you can, you will make it in the end :)

  8. Yes, you will get there. You should keep trying and do not beat yourself up for not passing your classes the first time.

  9. Thing happen for a reason. As long as you keep moving forward and never stop or slow down you will reach your dream. no matter what it may be

  10. I'm sure you will find, it in due timwe. it all comes to an end sometime.

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