
Will I ever lose my pregnancy weight?

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I am 37 y.o. When I became pregnant (first pregnancy), I was 130 lbs (I am 5'5"). I gained 50 lbs mainly because I ate so much. My excuse was, "I'm pregnant, I can." I had my daughter on Feb 1st of this year. Three days after giving birth (the day I came home), I had lost 20 lbs. I thought, "Wow, this is a breeze." I don't think so. It is now June 23rd, and I have not lost another pound, yes, I am still 160 lbs, give or take 2-3 every now and then...funny, I'm actually maintaining, something we'd like to do at 120 lbs. Soooooo, what has your experience been? Is there hope that I will find my pre-pregnancy weight again?




  1. if you exercise,no sweets good food

  2. If you work hard enough, you can. But it would have to be maintained, like everyday. Not only exercising but no excuses for eating :) (I know you were pregnant) You can't skip a day. So your baby is like 5 months? Give it 9 months to a year. It took your body 9 months to gain, should take that long to get rid of it.

  3. Did you breastfeed?  That did it for me!

  4. Go on a low carbohydrate diet (like Zone) and exercise 6 days a week vigorously.  Running is a good exercise for burning calories and building muscle.

    Another tip is to keep a food diary.  Write down EVERYTHING you eat, even if it's 1 hershey's kiss.  It will motivate you to keep eating healthy.

    Good luck!

  5. Well...three babies down the line and I need to drop a good 45 pounds still...and my baby is 6 years old.  The best thing you can do is not wait like I did...get it off now!  Diet and but it works.

  6. I'm in the same boat as you.  I'm 36 and had my fifth baby 18 mos ago and need to lose 10 lbs to get to my pre-fifth pregnancy weight, but I really need to lose 25 lbs to get to pre-baby weight.  It's hard.  I've been watching carbs and sweets and trying to excercise as much as I can.  With 5 kids and a husband that travels for work it is a challenge, but I'm trying really hard to just do what I can and not get too down about it.  I've been getting up early and taking the baby for a walk/jog (the baby just rides in the stroller - he's not actually joggingw/me! lol)  But my advice would be to just try - try to eat healthy and get in some excercise, but don't expect miracles - I really think after 35 the weight takes longer to come off!  Good luck.

  7. I would Love to hear a good answer to this question. I gained 48 lbs with my baby, had lost 10 when I got home from the hospital and just lost my first 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. He is now 16 months old. Everyone says that with breastfeeding you will just shed the pounds. I breastfed for 8 months and it didn't help a bit. Good luck to you and hope it doesn't take you as long as it has me!

  8. I gained 60 lbs with my son, and by his 1st b-day, I had lost every pound without dieting or exercise. Of course, my body was a bit different than before, but the scale was the same as before. It takes time..9 months to put it on, about 9 months to take it off! Be patient and most of it should come off. If you gained due to eating, that might be more difficult. You might have to diet a bit too. I am currently pregnant with my second and I am hoping it all comes off again, but hey, if it doesn't, my beautiful children are worth a few extra pounds! :) Good luck and don't rush it. Having a baby is havoc to the body and it takes time to get back to "normal".

    Oh, and I didn't breastfeed either.

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