
Will I face sexism in Japan?

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In my previous question a user said that there is a lot of sexism in Japan. I am in America and I plan to be a television director in Japan one day. What should I be aware of?




  1. 3days ago I received an actual e-mail about a job.

    Among other required skills and qualifications( TOEIC 900, JLPTlevel one) it was written that the applicants must be a man.

    10. 応募資格(必須) ①英語ネイティブかネイティブレベル(TOEIC900レベル)以上




    Due to space limitations I can't post the whole mail.

    Judge for yourself.


  2. Yes, you will be exposed to sexism.  It's simply a different state of mind as to roles that people play in society though.  It is becoming a little less prominent though as women pursue careers rather than families.  I would watch out for perverts on public transportation.  Also be prepared for racism- it can be quite strong in some places just like the rest of the world!

  3. You will probably encounter cultural differences which can often be misinterpreted as sexism.  Japanese are very different from American as American are vastly different from Japanese.    

  4. I have a BFA in film and digital production and I can tell you that you face sexism EVERYWHERE in this field. Be it America, Japan or anywhere else.

    If you are Japanese and are fluent at a native level, then you have a chance of getting a directing job in Japan. If you're not, forget it. Why would they give it to you when there are perfectly able Japanese to do it.

    Most directors are men everywhere, that includes Japan. Getting a directing job is incredibly difficult and it's almost foolish to tell yourself that you will be so. If it's so hard in your own country, it will be twice as hard in another one.

    I faced an absurd amount of male chauvinism in film school and that was only in college.

    I don't mean to burst your bubble, but that's life in the grown up world of entertainment.

    Good Luck.

  5. You dream is very difficult to reach, I had a dream of being a film director but not in Japan when I was young, but as I get older I understand that is highly not likely to come through.

    In a foreign country that's extremely difficult, the only film directors that is a foreigner in the U.S. for example that I know of, is Lee(surname) Ang (first name), everybody else, well all white American males.

  6. Be aware there's a difference between a fantasy and reality.

  7. YES!

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