
Will I fail a grade???

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I have been in the Calvert homeschool program for at least two years. Both of my years, I recieved Certificates of Completion. But when I went to enroll to public school today, my records showed that I stopped homeschooling ever since October last year. But that isn't true! Anyway, I'm in the eighth grade and I'm just wondering since I showed my 7th grade completion certificate to the staff of the school, do i get to go to the 8th grade? I'm worried that I won't.




  1. When I put my children into public school after they had been homeschooled, they had my children take a test to see where to place them.  Most homeschooled children do exceptionally better than  publicly schooled children academically so you should have no worries!

  2. I'm not sure, but it sounds like you are in a district that requires records and may not accept parent generated transcripts.

    If you have been with Calvert since last October, they should have your records proving you have been enrolled.

    You need to contact them and explain they have made a mistake, and request the corrected records be sent immediately.

    If, however, you have not been with Calvert during that time, and you have been following a parent generated curriculum and your school district does not accept that, you may need to test for placement.

    Most generally, they should not just put you in the lower grade automatically, they should give you the option to test for placement.

    But, get on the school to get the correct records to the school PRONTO.


  3. What "records" showed that you stopped homeschooling in August?

    What will happen depends on the laws in your state, and I don't know what state you live in.  But I would think that as long as you say you've been homeschooling since October too, they should believe you.  Couldn't you show some work to prove it?

    When I went back to public school after homeschooling, they had me take a math placement test so they would know which math to put me in, and other than that they just put me in the other normal classes for my grade.  And the only thing I had to prove that I had been doing work was some "transcripts" my mom made up, because I didn't do a homeschool program like Calvert or anything.

    Just ask your parents or the school you'll be going to what you need to do to prove that you are at your grade level.

  4. You need to contact Calvert and find out what is wrong.  If you have been enrolled with them all along, they should have your records, however if you owe them money the WILL withhold those records until they are paid.  I have a friend that happened to.  That could be what is going on.

    Now if its just the school district that is saying you failed to file as a homeschooler or something, then you might still be able to work it out.

    Either way, since 7th grade is not a credit earning grade, you should be able to take a placement test of some kind and if you place in the 8th grade that is where they will place you.
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