
Will I feel amazingly good when I die?

by Guest31612  |  earlier

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I have seen the signs that say that something will happen after my death, and after this awful life of mine to which I have had an incredible amount of problems; I have had several heart attacks at the age of 25 or so.

I have had many paranormal experiences and things that suggest something good would happen one day.

They include the following things...

A feeling inside since the age of about 3 years old that I long for something intensely, feeling a sick like feeling (not nausea) as a result of the emotion.

It is a longing sensation.

I have also felt that something will happen that's good one day.

As time went on, this feeling has got more and more intense.

When I developed cardiac arrhythmia previously, when it reached September 1st 2002, the emotion was so strong (feeling something good was going to happen) that I had a heart attack that day; but this is not the cause of the heart problem (that was caused by a chemical).

I told my mother about this feeling, and she just says "You have a special meaning or purpose" which it's self doesn't tell me anything about what is to happen, but she says "You will go to the highest place when you die".

She has no scientific proof of this.

She then said that this 'special meaning I have' was due to the disability of the mind, something she claimed to believe in accordance to her religion.

But my research showed nothing of the sort is mentioned in her religion's texts at all, so it makes me wonder how she could make such a claim.

Although something that was similar in nature that has been found is the information about 'Indigo children', but I don't think she know anything from this....

I am aware of a feeling of being drawn to freezing temperatures, I can withstand incredibly cold weather and I mean incredible cold.

How does this related to what she thinks?

Then I thought that I must have been in a place like the Arctic in the pre-mortal existence and that I would be going back to the freezing world.

I wanted to be there that much that it has resulted in these emotions.

I want to communicate what this feeling is like, feeling that something is going to happen. I called it 'Phoenix phenomenon', but unless you have felt it, you couldn't understand what I mean.

It feels like an extremely pleasant, very strange and a kind of forbidden feeling; kind of like you get when you eat chocolate when you’re on a diet.

It is profoundly extreme, deep and emotional (through the spirit and deep down).

I associate many things with it.

The phoenix means 'the new age', hence the name.

It is represented by shocking pink to me.

I remind me of how I like the cold.

However, one thing that cannot be explained is that before my mother told me anything about this; I felt this feeling strongly about 30 seconds before hand; she hadn't mentioned this issue before hand for about 10 years.

Back then, I thought she was crazy.

Today, many things happen; they have included flashes of light, amazing co-incidences and all kinds of incredible events.

Mystical incidents are common place now; many people have made comments about them when they knew nothing of it previously.

It will not be long before I die, I can feel I will die soon.

I don't know what to expect.

I can't stop asking "What is gonna to happen to me?"

Although there is this excitement in a pleasant way, the mysteriousness is making me feeling a feeling of slight fear, not real fear, but a feeling of "Uh-oh!”

It is like standing in a corridor that is ‘pitch dark’ at the other end, and I know what I want is supposed to be at the other end; but I can't be sure that it isn’t really h**l.

It is really strange to think about.

But I know I want to go into that pitch blackness to get to the other side, I will die regardless of what I do, so I may as well go down there.

It is a feeling like being in a room that is absolutely ‘pitch black’.

What is going to happen to me? Will I be OK?

I only wish someone can be with me as I go there, but they probably won't be.

I want to go there so very much, even though it feels really dark and mysterious.

The pleasure of going down there greatly outweighs the feeling of disconcertedness. (I want to go so very much; and the fear is slight, but still very real) It is best described as a feeling of 'awe'.

What do you think of going to happen to me?

Snow Man




  1. Your going to die and your consciousness will vanish from existence and that's the end.

  2. it will be like a portal

  3. After you die... that's it. You're dead. You may or may not feel one final burst of sensation that might feel like eternity but in reality, you're dead. What happens next is your body starts to decompose and maggots dine on your flesh. It's far from pretty.

  4. Sure you will be okay, it is like giving birth, it seems impossibly scary but then you think about 50% of the population give birth and survive it and likewise 100% manage to cope with death okay.

    Hoping all your stuff works out for you.

  5. Do you believe in God? There is total assurance that if you have accepted Him in your heart, that when you die you will be just passing over into the more "real" reality, the very best existence, of which this life is only a shadow. All the most pleasant experiences in this life cannot even compare to the wonderful pleasures and true happiness on the other side. You could read on the subject "life after death", there is a really good book with factual accounts of people who died and then came back, written by Dwight L. Moody. It might help you not to fear or worry. Whatever you do, if you really think your death is imminent, try to spend your last moments helping others all you can, and you will find true happiness on earth as well as the afterlife! Hope this helps!

  6. Oh wow. So many things went through my head. Your mom might know something about this and might not want to tell you anything. She might be trying to ignore this indigo thing because she was told it was bad. She might be afraid or just confuse because she doesn't know much on the subject. Therefore; she doesn't want to tell you wrong. Have you asked around some other family members if they have it or know more about it?

    You might be seeing darkness b/c you "haven't turned your head" so to speak and seen light. As soon as you die it might be dark just for a second. Meanwhile, live your life to the fullest. Do anything and everything that you can. Make sure your friends and family know that they are loved.

    As far as being cold it might just you like it. If you believe in reincarnation from a past life it could be that. It could be your body having problems causing the coldness. You said you talked to someone in Phoenix, that made me think of Allison Dubois. She is from there. Maybe you can book a session with her. Maybe someone that knows more of that stuff like her, go and see them. I just tried to throw some suggestions your way. I hope it helps.  

  7. My great grandmother had an NDE, and described a horrible sinking feeling. Some claim to see light, and others have claimed to see loved ones that have passed on. The is clearly speculation however.

  8. No, dying will be the most unpleasant experience you will ever have. As you are dying, all of your internal organs are shutting down causing immense pain and then you will excrete in your pants because your bowels will let loose all it was holding in. and then you will rot and your only friends will be the maggots crawling through your eye sockets. Excited?

  9. When you die, if you accept it, you will go to God. You are feeling God's presence because he is love. Pure love is very intoxicating and comforting and thus you want to go be a part of this. It may be cold on your way to God as you leave your physical body, but the cold is not eternal. Also the darkness is not eternal. If you have any regrets now simply tell them to God and they will go away. Also the thought of any type of h**l and fear should go away. Ask that there be angels to take you when you go. This is a real possibility. You do not have to die or leave your earthly body alone. You will not know who or what the presence is, but you can go feeling as if you have a friend.

    Earth is the place of feeling so here is pain and illness, not so in the afterlife. But let only God choose how and when you die and appreciate each day you have here. When you cross over you will look to this time of realness and wish you had sniffed more flowers or could again smell the fresh air. Experience life to its fullest now, these senses will not go with you!

    Enjoy your week and be at peace!

  10. I think being dead will feel like endless nothing,  for me the idea is very relaxing and peaceful, I would like never to have to be bothered by anything ever again.

    But first you need to make the most out of the life you have now before you test death's pleasures.

  11. I think that you know more than we do about death,most people don't have any clue.What i know myself is thru books ,and this is something that you can do as well.Two goods books on the sunject,"Destiny of souls" and "Journey of souls" by Michael Newton.

    I send you my  love Snow man

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