Contrary to popular belief, not all people who commit suicide are infected with mental illness. Sometimes giving up is the only thing left to do. I've tried other alternatives like prayer, counseling, talking to friends and family but none of those things change a bad situation into a a good one.
Okay, so now your all probably wondering, "What could be so bad that you want to end your life?" I'll give you the short version, starting from the beginning. When I was about four I witnessed a lot of physical abuse between my parents, my dad used to beat the c**p out of my mother. Eventually she left him and married my step father who was also a woman beater. When I was eight, he killed my mother and then himself and he did both right infront of me. I still have nightmares about it. I'm 29yrs old now and this event has affected me, my entire life.
Growing up, I bounced between family members. Not a lot of consistancy and no one ever loved me the way my mother did. I hated sharing other peoples parents because I was never equal to their children. I started having s*x when I was 16 strictly for the purpose of getting pregnant. I wanted a baby so I could have someone to love and someone who would love me! But years of trying, even when I was 26 and engaged . . .I never conceived. Still haven't. (The engagement didn't lead to marriage as expected.)
Recently, I've been plagued by a series of bad events. I lost my job, then my apartment and now my car. I've been sleeping on my aunts sofa for the past 7mths, unable to find employment in this dead-end town. I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm a 29yr old woman, unable to have kids. I don't have a job or any money, I honestly feel like I don't have mcuh of a purpose in life. There is truly no point in me being alive.
Everyday I think about killing myself and at least once a week, I walk to a parking garage, take the elevator to the 9th floor which is the very top, at least 60fth high and I try to convince myself, to just do it! But I haven't. It's like, I don't even have the FN courage to end my misery and just kill myself. I guess I'm afraid that it'll hurt. Can anyone tell me, do you think I'd FEEL IT if I jumped from 50 or 60 feet?