
Will I feel pain if I commit suicide by Jumping from a really tall building?

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Contrary to popular belief, not all people who commit suicide are infected with mental illness. Sometimes giving up is the only thing left to do. I've tried other alternatives like prayer, counseling, talking to friends and family but none of those things change a bad situation into a a good one.

Okay, so now your all probably wondering, "What could be so bad that you want to end your life?" I'll give you the short version, starting from the beginning. When I was about four I witnessed a lot of physical abuse between my parents, my dad used to beat the c**p out of my mother. Eventually she left him and married my step father who was also a woman beater. When I was eight, he killed my mother and then himself and he did both right infront of me. I still have nightmares about it. I'm 29yrs old now and this event has affected me, my entire life.

Growing up, I bounced between family members. Not a lot of consistancy and no one ever loved me the way my mother did. I hated sharing other peoples parents because I was never equal to their children. I started having s*x when I was 16 strictly for the purpose of getting pregnant. I wanted a baby so I could have someone to love and someone who would love me! But years of trying, even when I was 26 and engaged . . .I never conceived. Still haven't. (The engagement didn't lead to marriage as expected.)

Recently, I've been plagued by a series of bad events. I lost my job, then my apartment and now my car. I've been sleeping on my aunts sofa for the past 7mths, unable to find employment in this dead-end town. I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm a 29yr old woman, unable to have kids. I don't have a job or any money, I honestly feel like I don't have mcuh of a purpose in life. There is truly no point in me being alive.

Everyday I think about killing myself and at least once a week, I walk to a parking garage, take the elevator to the 9th floor which is the very top, at least 60fth high and I try to convince myself, to just do it! But I haven't. It's like, I don't even have the FN courage to end my misery and just kill myself. I guess I'm afraid that it'll hurt. Can anyone tell me, do you think I'd FEEL IT if I jumped from 50 or 60 feet?




  1. but from all this info, it still sounds like you havnt done anything drastic to try to change your life. your jsut living it as it comes, and its not coming very well. get some money together and move to another city. to another country. join the red cross or peace core. help the little kids in africa. people arn't born with purpose, they make it themselves.

    it sounds like you jsut want to give up with out really trying. dont lie to  yourself and others by saying youve tryed everything.

    and your wrong, killing yourself would be very uncourageous.

    ps. if someone wants to kill themselves, i wouldn't suggest jumping, then they couldnt donate their organs to those who need them.

  2. Yes I'm POSITIVE that you'll feel it.


    Listen, you have a chance, please just listen to me, I know it's hard, I know. Just don't do it. Don't kill yourself it's not worth it. No matter what you've been through, you still have your life. You're alive woman, what could be better?! Suicide is NOT a good choice. Even if you have NOTHING or have NO purpose in this world. Things can change, something might happen and your whole life can change. You still have a chance. You're 29 for Pete's sake, not 49!!

    You could meet a special man one day, and you could have wonderful, beautiful kids. But if you kill yourself now, you won't have that chance.

    Please just hold on and stay strong. Things will get better.

  3. Dear Sister,

    I am in a similar situation to you, I don,t have any taste for life , I  don't enjoy anything neither work ,study ,nor hanging out with friends nothing at all. I am facing a lot of problems and frustration, but what make me don't think in ending my life is that because I do believe in the God, I  know  that the troubles I am facing it is a test from him ,am I going to lose patience or not, am  I going to lose hope in him or not?

    Dear Sister don't you think that our life has a purpose, we are not here just to eat, drink ,marry....etc. Only animals are the one who just eat and drink, but we humans are more than that.

    Please pray to God honestly and be a patient and remember that after each trouble there is always hope.

    Don't forget also that you will find people who loves you, I love you because you are my sister in humanity. You will always find kind people with Big Hearts by God willing. Please Don' end , your life it is very important for us.

  4. umm i know people will tell you not to do it but anyway i think you should go higher and make sure you dont land on your feet, if you dont want pain.

    im sorry.

  5. Your real question is... "How do I find purpose in my life?"

    My answer is... if you can walk to a parking garage every day and take the elevator to the 9th floor, and look out contemplating suicide, you can walk yourself to the nearest bus stop and hop a bus to the  Children's Hospital, or Women's Shelter, or Homeless Shelter, or whatever there is near you that could use your help! If you're not working, and you're just sitting around feeling useless or worthless or whatever, you're just setting yourself up for disaster! Get out and do something PRODUCTIVE and get out of the hole you're in! It's not like you don't have the time to volunteer your services. You have too much time on your hands, and you're doing everything wrong with it! I'm not getting down on you... I'm encouraging you to do something for yourself... and in the meantime, you can be doing something for others at the same time. There's no better way to pull yourself up out of the depths of depression (or self-pity) than to go outside of yourself and into someone elses world that is so much bleaker than your own! If you can just commit to one day, to pass up the parking garage and take a different route in a much better direction, it could change your whole life! Please, just give it a try! You said it yourself... "I don't have much purpose in life." That's the answer! You just have to make that purpose happen for yourself! And.... in response to your original question..."YES"... I'm sure it HURTS!!!!!! (Stop going there!)

  6. i don't think it would hurt or anything, only problem- you might change your mind while flying and there would be no way-back

    try to get your-self together and find the options

    you have youth, all parts of the body

    you can try to build your life and be happy - you just need more aggression and less sorry for your-self

  7. YES!!!  it will hurt a lot.........There are lots of opportunities for you.You just need to get up and go find them and while you're at it...maybe you will find the happiness in life you are looking for..  

  8. I am very depressed myself right now and have had suicidal thoughts at times.  Everyone has these thoughts at some time in their life.

    I want you to stop and think about what your Mom would feel if she knew you were thinking of doing harm to yourself.

    You say no one loved you like she did, well her life had a purpose and that is you.

    You are still very young and will eventually find someone to make a life with and you can still have children by adoption.

    The first thing you need to do is call a local crisis center so they can hook you up with the help you need and deserve.

    Tell you aunt how you are feeling and let her help you get some help asap.

    You may qualify for help without having to pay anything.

    As far as jumping off a building , I think you will feel a lot as you are falling, regret and fear and then pain .  

  9. This is not what you wanted to here, but PLEASE don't do that. I understand your situation is terrible, and I feel for you, but please don't do that. You can still turn things around.

    Firstly, leave your town, it sounds like you have out grown it! Pack up and leave if there is nothing left there for you, you can start fresh and re-invent yourself! Apply for a couple of jobs, find yourself a decent psychologist and ask him/her to vouch for your character for a loan to adopt a baby, somone for you to care for.

    I know it sounds corny, but you need to think positive to BE positive and sometimes a slight change in situation can change EVERYTHING!

    Good luck, and DON"T GIVE UP! There is a place for you in this world, you need to believe that.

  10. Look what ever you're thinking  -don't do it please! There is always a way to get better - just look at it this way - things possible can't get any worse.

    What about our family you do have? Maybe you didn't have the best upbringing, but just becuase your dad made the wrong joice doesn't mean you should. Suicide is wrong. It's the easy way out if you ask me. What about your aunt? She cares enough to haev you stay with her and help you out. Do you really want her life to be affected from your suicide and have a life like yours?

    A few weeks ago a guy jumped off a building across from my work.  I have connections in the police who told me he jumped because he lost his job and his wife cheated on him with his brother and best friend. Unforgivable I know! And he saw no other way out. But he left 2 young kids behind to live a life without their father.

    Please don't do it! if you can't get the courage to it probably means that part of you does not want to end your life. Find that part of you and take action on it. Start living for the purpose of being happy. Don't think you have to have a partner or children or other people to make you happy. Only you can make you happy. Once you realise this, other people will realise it too.

    But please don't end your life. It's not the answer and you always hurt someone in doing so. Even if it's just one person. They will forever think about the day you ended your life and took apart of them with you...

  11. The fact that you are here and asking this question tells me you don't want to die - you are looking for a solution to end the intense suffering.

    I know about intense suffering and thought I would never get through it.

    It has taken a long time to learn the things necessary to not feel the way you do.    I'll try to be simple here.

    1.   You are not responsible for the actions of others but you are responsible for your own and that includes your reactions to things.

    2.  You have the power within you to heal the pain, the loneliness and the emptiness - but it won't be easy or quick.

    3.  You have to decide not to let these unfortunate events beat you and I wouldn't minimise these events.

    4.  You have mentioned counselling but not therapy - therapy that teaches you coping skills for PTSD or anxiety?

    5.  Nobody can answer your actual question from experience consider what would happen if you did try something and failed left to suffer brain damage or quadriplegia.

    6   Please try to find a therapy/ support and exhaust all options before taking any serious action.

    7.  If you believe you can survive and be happy - you will - just don't give up.

    Best wishes.

  12. I don't want to sound like a jerk or anything, because that's not how you sway someone's opinion, but I'm going to do my best here.  Depression is a clinical problem.  I know it hurts, and I know you can't stand it any more, but it's a problem that always goes away with the right treatment, or even over time.    Almost everybody who attempts suicide and unintentionally survives recalls regretting it, and doesn't attempt it ever again.  I can't pretend like I understand your pain or like it doesn't matter, because it's definitely there, and it's horrible.  But your brain is coming up with an irrational solution to the situation.  I'm not saying your feelings don't matter because you have some disease, but you have to understand that these suicidal thoughts are majorly the result of a very physical, chemical, medical problem.  And I know there's a lot of pain, but there's so much to this world beside it.  If life has taught me anything, it's that life ALWAYS gets better over time.  A history of abuse can't be reversed, but you absolutely can't make such a decision over something like financial difficulty.  You can't tell me that there is no possible way that you could get a good job for the rest of your entire life, or ever move away, or get another car.  Lots of us have our lows in that respect, but you always pull out of it eventually; it just takes a lot of work.  And as I said, there's so much good in this world; it's just hard to see it when a lot of bad has piled up.  And as long as there is ANYONE in this entire world that cares about you, you have something to live for, and you would be hurting someone very very badly if you took your own life.  If you've ever had a friend, or ever had a family member that loved you, there's a point in you being alive.  You only get one life.  Whatever faith you may believe in, if any, are you absolutely positive that what comes after this life is better?  This world still has people to love, and ice cream to eat, and kittens to pet, and a whole lot of other things.  Some are silly and small, and some are really significant, and often taken for granted.  One single life can make all the difference in the world, or even a family, or even in one other person's life.  One life can do so much good in the world.

    The pregnancy thing is another issue.  For some people it's really hard to conceive- my sister and her husband have been trying for years- but that doesn't mean that it's impossible.  There are medical procedures and lots of other help that you can get for that.  And I'm sure you've heard this before, but what about adoption?  There are so many sweet little children out there that have no one to love them, and it sounds like you have a lot of love to give.  You could make someone's life great, and they could do the same for you.  Even animals can lift morale tremendously.  There are thousands of dogs who are begging for a home and will love you unconditionally.

    Please reconsider.  Please try to put aside the bad, or at least endure it, and focus on everything else.  At the very least, I care about you.  I don't know you, but I would be sincerely heartbroken if I heard of your death.  And I'm not the only one.

    You're special.  You have something to give to the world that no one else can or ever could or ever will.


  13. Hey boo,

    I cant say I know how you feel, cause I havent been through a past like yours. Depression can take someone's life away slowly, eating them inside... I use to feel the same way and I use to think about killing myself. But then when people around me started dying I realized that life is a gift, and you should take care of it and keep putting bandages on it, cause soon things will heal, and sometimes it leaves a mark. Life can only be as good as you make it. You never know when will be your time to go. And i bet when people jump, they regret it before they can even think about hitting the ground... ANd it will hurt. It will be the last pain you will feel on earth, and they say after that is the forever pain of the fire of h**l. I wouldn't know though...

    When I was reading this, all I can think of was "am I reading a book!?" I have no idea if anyone ever told you this, but you should write down your life story and make it into a book. Make it from your point of view, or from someone else's, and it can be titled, something like "falling down" or "the jump to h**l" or "is it the jump to heaven?" "the leap of distress" I can just see it right now!  =] And I know you wouldnt do it though because you know theres something more to your life, and I think your going to discover it soon, in time. =] I cant wait till you find it!!

    I was inspired to begin this poem by reading what you've read.

    can i grow wings

    like an angel of heaven

    where sadness and pain is unknown

    where i can fall, and not hit the ground

    I really care about what you wrote. ANd for you to be so honest and caring, I respect you and I care about you. I came out of my depression by forgetting the rest of the world. I realized that the only thing in life that can make you happy and complete isn't love or anything else, its to find more of who you are. You should love yourself, already unique with a story to tell. I can see you coming through this and helping tons of people in life know that there is always a way out of the darkness and depression.

    And you know, you can always adopt a loving child! Theres tons of kids who probably feel as lost, empty, and alone as you right now. Find one, and make them yours and change their life. I can really see you happy with a gift like that. Miracles can be anywhere, just try to find them if you cant see them. =] Your're not alone though, because I'm on your side. I know your going to make it through this, because I believe 100% that something is going to change for u.

    I wrote this poem the other day, and i wonuldnt mind at all if you took it...

    I know you

    Just look in my eyes

    Tell me what’s wrong?

    I can see the tears you want to cry

    Wait, hold on

    Please don’t let go

    Put your hand in mine

    There’s something you need to know….

    Life isn’t easy

    Trust me, believe me

    So many losses, all the crushed feelings

    But I’ll be here when you need me

    Life is something you can not defeat

    If you let it, it will make you weak

    And all I want is for you to be strong

    I want to help you, so please hold on

    Sometimes I may confuse myself

    Is this what I want, or is it something else?

    Is love worth fighting for, Or will it just mess me up?

    I know that All what matters is if I fall will I get up?

    No body is perfect, I know it now

    But you should hold your head up

    Your irreplaceable beauty should keep you proud

    Amd Your passionate personality is what I am very fond of

    When someone is gone and you cant reach them

    Close your eyes and you will see them

    When you have a loss, just keep believing

    Cause when you have a gain you’ll realize your not dreaming

    If someone tries to bring you down

    Remember who you are

    You are a human, and so are they

    The less you hear, the less they'll say

    Life is short, yet its so long

    If you ever feel there’s just nowhere to belong

    Just keep holding my hand, keep holding on

    Because in my heart is where you belong

    Come walk with me

    I’m learning just like you

    Life is something filled with the old, the pain, the happiness, and the new

    But just remember, we’ll always come through.

    - - -

    I know your going to find happiness soon, Its this huge intuition I am feeling as I'm writing..

    You dont have to jump, you can do something more useful =] And if i were in your face I would be hugging you and pleading for you not to jump.... -> You're powerful because I NEVER feel so drawn to someone as I feel to you. I barely ever am drawn to someone as I am to you. Theres something special about you and I know you can fix this up... Jumping wont solve it though... You know that! Lol, i believe in you, and I wish you the best...

    God bless,

    And be safe.

    Sending hugs your way from someone who really cares...

  14. Why end your life? really don't do it! I don't know you, but really, we all want you here! don't do it.. you don't need to .. please, don't go the easy way, you can get better and be happy..really, don't try it ! You are much better than that!

    Ps:  if someone threw himself from that high.. he would of died and couldn't tell if it hurt or not.

    You are a special woman, stay alive ! everything will get better!

  15. If you live you will feel it.  I agree you have been through alot!!  But dont give up.  If you think negative you will get negative.  Be positive.  Go out and say today I will get a job.  Smile and go in like a winner.  Go to temp services.  Dont give up on God either.  Read your Bible daily.  Pray alot.  Get closer to God and he will get closer to you.  I promise this.  I have experienced it.  I have gone through alot to and I decided one day things were going to change and I started getting my life back in order.  You can too.  Dont be a quitter.  Make yourself proud.  You probably havent conceived cause God knows you arent ready cause at this point you cant even take care of yourself.  So get going and make things happen.  Talk to God alot.  Read  and reread different chapters in your Bible.  I will pray for you.  If you cant go to church at least watch it on TV.  The devil has ahold of you and you need to tell him to let go.

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