
Will I fit in in Mexico? or any latin american country?

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So, I've been thinking about moving out of the country, and its always been my dream to move to a latin american country. but the thing is, i was reading on the site the other day, that if you can't get along with mexican people, you shouldnt move at all. Well, i live in southern california, with alot of mexicans, and most of my friends are mexicans, and i get along with most of the mexicans HERE, but does that mean i can survive in Mexico? and if i should move to mexico, or any latin american country, where should i go? what country and city? thanks




  1. Hahaha and you called me a q***r. What a g*y question. Do us all a favor and leave the country by jumping in front of a speeding bus. I'm sure you wont be missed.

  2. Sure you can.  Thousands of north Americans live in the Lake Chapala area. Check out the sites:

    Most people are retirees from the states and Canada.

    Writers and artists do well there. Check out these books, they tell in detail how the authors fit into life in the Mexican towns of San Miguel de Allende and Sayulita repectively:

    If you're not a retiree or a writer or a painter, do you think you can teach English in Mexico? Then see this site:

    These books and websites should give you some more things to think about.  Another thing you can do is to drive around Mexico until you hit the town where you say, "I could live here."

  3. Well, one BIG issue you will need to deal with is getting a WORK visa to Mexico.  If you nave an independent, steady income of at least $1000.00 a month that you cna document, you will qualify for an FM3 visa to live in Mexico.  If you are planning to WORK in Mexico, you cannot do that with just a tourist vsa.  You will have to find an employer, that person must write a letter stating that he has offered you a job and that that job cannot be filled by a Mexican citizen, then you may apply for an FM3 with a work permit.  None of this is easy. Wages in Mexico and Central America are much lower than in the, unless you are a highly skilled worker in a field that needs workers here..working is a challenge.

  4. Sure U will survive, go to Mexico and Cuernavaca (Morelos state) 70 miles from Mex city, is beautiful place for you,there is a lot of american people living there for many years,weather is great, always spring there & cheap rent. used to live Costa Mesa Ca, and i know you will love it because i been in both places.

  5. Don't worry, you'll fit, i have many american friends and they have lots of friends here in Mexico, i live un Guanajuato, close to San Miguel de Allende, this particular spot it's very popular among americans =P

  6. Your asking us, where you should move to and live permanently?

  7. If you want to, you can survive anywhere. Mexico is a fine country, people are friendly...unless you behave like an idiot tourist you'll fit in.

  8. If you're nervous, start in an area with a sizable American population. My favorite is San Miguel de Allende. You will defintiely fit in there.

    I am very fair skinned, an super-obvious gringa, and Mexicans don't look at me twice on the streets in San Miguel.

    Truth is, you will fit in anywhere if you are willing to. Mexicans are very warm and friendly. They will welcome you. If you make an effort to learn Spanish, the welcome will be even warmer.

    Go for it!

  9. That's funny you bring that up because I Mexican American and I have tanned/darker skin (like most) and I still don't fit in in Mexico. But when I went to Mexico (Mexico City) for the first time to visit some relatives, I was overwhelmed with the amount of "white people" (no offense) and I thought they were tourists, but I was wrong, they were Mexican (of Spanish descent) and they spoken Spanish very well. But what I'm trying to say is that you could fit in, but Mexicans in Mexico are different from Mexicans in the US (culturally). I think you will make it.

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