
Will I forget about someone from the past if I name my son the same name?

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I briefly remember a boy named Ben from when I was in Junior High School. My husband and I want to name our son Benjamin and either call him Benji or Ben. My husband has already started calling him Ben and Then I remembered that I knew a Ben in School. I barely remember what he looks like. Will I always think of his name or will I get over it when my son is born?




  1. you'll get over it for the most part, you might think about it every once and a blue moon but other than that, it wont be bad. When my mom was pregnant with my third brother she and my dad decided to name him Anthony, but i had a kid in my grade with thatt name that i loathed and i threw a fit becasue i didnt want to have to think of him every time i called my brother, but i was worrie dover nothing, becasue once he was born he was Tony my brother

  2. Hi!

    You think like I do!  Sometimes you love a name for you child, but it reminds you of someone you went to school with, someone you didn't like, an ex boyfriend or what not.  As long as your comfortable and this isn't a person such as an ex boyfriend, you should be fine!  There are many Benjamins in the world and you will come across many more, some you may like and don't like! I say as long as this "Ben" isn't something personal to you, go with Benjamin...I LOVE BENJI!!!

    Great choice! And don't forget, YOUR Benjamin will be one of a kind!

  3. No, you will think of it as just your son's name!

  4. I wouldnt think so.  Your son will replace the memory, because that person isnt as important as your son!

  5. Just remember, THIS Ben is YOUR son. He'll be different than any other Ben in history, 'cause he's YOUR son. Even twins are different, forming their own identity. And your son will be different than any number of Ben's that you know. Think of all the Bob's or Bill's that you know. They each have their own unique personalities. Your son is unique too, even while he's still inside of you. I wouldn't worry about any former memories. Your son will give you new ones. <*)))><

  6. Seeing as this Ben wasn't especially significant to you, I doubt you'd have much of an issue calling your son that.  Naming him after an ex or a figure in the media would be different.

    There's lots of Bens in the world, anyway.

  7. With something like that you'll prob stop thinking about him and just have your son Ben in your mind.. maybe if it was someone you really disliked (Like Erin or Crystal for me lol, love the names just really don't like 2 girls with the names).. but you barely remember him..  

  8. If it's someone you barely remember then don't worry about it. I personally wouldn't name my baby the same name as someone I hated even if I loved the name just because there is always that association, but if you really don't remember the person then go ahead and use it.  

  9. Well, if this Ben wasn't your boyfriend and you barely remember his face, I think your son will be the only person you'll associate with the name. In no time. :)

  10. maybe. thats why i tried to pick a name i knew no1 with to avoid that

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