
Will I gain back all the weight I've lost from my depression if I start to feel better?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know how it is a loaded question, basically I've lost about 8 pounds and like that, even though I wasn't dieting. I just feel too depressed to eat, but I just realized I haven't been eating much when my clothes seemed very loose, so now I'm wondering if it will all come back on when I get out of my depression and my appetite returns. I would hate to gain it all back, even though I hate being depressed.




  1. This seems like a loaded question. Are you asking because you want to gain it back or because you are worried that a depression med will make you gain it back?

  2. the simple answer is that it depends what you eat

    The more complex answer.....

    well, when we get depressed it doesn't happen overnight. There arev all sorts of complex factors that lead to us becoming depressed - even if there was one event that triggered it, that event would be the 'straw that broke the camel's back' rather than the sole cause of the depression.

    So? well we know that people who are depressed or heading that way don't look after themselves well.

    They tend to either eat junk/comfort food or don't eat.

    That can lead to major weight gain or loss or veering between the two

    When you get better you'll be more in control of you and your choices. Hopefully you'll feel well and motivated enough to make healthy choices in what you eat. If not putting some weight back on is important to you then you will be able to choose foods that are good for you without being calorie-laden

    Remember that very little is as bad for your health and wellbeing as depression. A few pounds here and there can easily be lost (although I know nothing seems easy when you're depressed)

    Hope you feel better soon

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