
Will I gain weight by consuming an extra 250-300 calories a day than I would usually eat? Please help me!?

by Guest34284  |  earlier

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My mom and freakin nutritionist think I am underweight and they are trying to fatten me up. (But I won't let them. I WON'T go back to hating myself. I am actually semi-happy with the way I look now. I don't see why they just won't let me stay the size I am...Oh, look at my rambling...On with the story-)

So today my mom comes at me with those little Ensure thingies (they are these little bottles of milk or whatever chock full of vitamins and stuff. they are made for people who don't get enough vitamins/nutrients or something.) anyway, I didn't drink it and she threw a usual

I really don't want to gain weight but I don't want her to go crazy again. If I start drinking Ensures every day (which will be 200-300 calories more than I am used to eating [I eat less than 1000 calories a day] will I gain weight?

Plus, I am thinking of working out less. (I usually jog 1-2 miles a day and now I might jog 1-2 miles every OTHER day)





  1. 1000 calories?! ah! that's so little!

    i say drink your vitamin potions,

    but keep running, its good for you!

  2. try 500-1000 extra calories a day.  so long as you are training properly, most of the added weight will be muscle

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