
Will I get a stimulus check this year since I have an amended return?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I had our taxes done in February. The tax preparer made a mistake on our return that I caught after it had already been filed. So we then had to send in our amended return in March. Our SS# is between 00-09 so I was expecting to receive our check according to the payment schedule on the IRS website. Then we found out that due to the amended return our stimulus check is being delayed. I called yesterday to the IRS and they said per the memo they have anyone that has an amended return will not get a stimulus check this year it will be credited to the 2008 tax return. This is the first I have heard of this. I hope the person I spoke with is wrong, I would like my check this year.




  1. I'm betting that the IRS agent you spoke to gave you the right information.  Personally, I haven't seen any information about amended returns.  Hopefully she's wrong, but I'd do my planning based on what she told you so you don't get in a bind.

  2. The assistor mangled their info.

    If the ORIGINAL tax return qualified for the stimulus, then the amended return merely delays the stimulus check until after the amended return completes processing.

    If the ORIGINAL tax return didn't qualify for the stimulus, amending it won't change that fact (unless it was to report SSA/VA/RRB or combat pay totals).

    For example, if I reported $2800 in wages on the first tax return and then discovered I had another W-2 for $300, the amended return won't get me a stimulus.  In that case, I have to wait to see if the 2008 tax return's 2nd chance worksheet gives me anything.

  3. I haven't heard of this.  I filed an amended return by April 13, 07 for the tax year 2007 and received the notice yesterday about the stimulus check.  The notice states the amount and that I should expect my payment by 6/6/08.

  4. Thats news to me also.. the only thing I really know is if you have a (ITIN) individual taxpayer identification number. This is not a social security number. But will have a Social Security number by the end of 2008. You will be able to claim the economic stimulus payment on you 2008 return. But this is not your case??!?!? Sound to me they are wrong> but don't tell the IRS I said that! :)  It also says to  allow 8-12 weeks of processing time before making any inquiries about Stimulus payments after you have filed your 1040X,,i...

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