
Will I get adopted in 6 months?

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i am up for adoption and i want to know if it will be in 6 months




  1. only if you're grateful enough.

  2. It depends?

    Are you living in a Pre-Adopt Family waiting for it to be final or have you just recently become free to be adopted?

    If you are living in a Pre-Adopt Family then it could happen in 6 months but sometime there are small delays becuase of Court delays and such....

    If you have just become free for adoption then it may take awhile for the state to find a family that is good for you....

    It is hard to answer your question without much information... I really do hope that things move fast for you and that the family that is best for you can be found and you are able to move on in a nice growing up home.....

  3. only Britney Spears knows....

  4. Nobody really knows. It could even take more than that. But I wish you luck though and may you be part of a great family who'll treat you like their own.

  5. It is hard to say, but I really hope you do. I heard it is hard to adopt? I mean we are stilling looking and haven't found a person to adopt. I believe everyone should have a loving family. only time will tell. May you find a family that will take you and make you happy. God bless and don't give up sweetie

  6. Doubtful...why, is there something important happening? I will pray that you do as quickly as possible.

  7. You will have to ask Moses.

  8. There is no way any person here could tell you the honest truth. If you really want to be adopted you have to be on your best behavior even though that is hard to do. Also, try to be yourself as best as possible. Good luck!

  9. I really don't know. It's possible, but unless any of us are planning on adopting, we honestly can't tell you. Try to be on your best behavior and be yourself, and you may be adopted.

  10. there is a good chance but in fractions probably not sorry

  11. The older you are generally the longer it takes.  Try to find activities to keep yourself busy.  Remember, if it does take a long time that does not mean there is anything wrong with you.  Good luck.

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