
Will I get cancer smoking once a week or a few times a month?

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When I drink, I tend to smoke cigars or one cigarette. Never more than one at a time. Sometimes its once a month, a few times a month, or once a week.. every 2 weeks. It's not regular. I don't seem to be addicted.

But, I have the most extreme form of asthma and get very short of breath for the next few weeks afterwards.




  1. smoking gives u cancer no matter how much or less u do it.  

  2. No one can tell you for sure, some people smoke and never get lung cancer some never smokes and still get cancer. One thing for sure that in general, smoking increases the risk of getting lung cancer.

    Because of your asthma probably you should stop smoking, why burden your poor body even more.

  3. srry but since u have asthma and u smoke u will get lung cancer probably. But if u quit now highly unlikey u will get cancer and its ur choice..

  4. You can get cancer even if you don't smoke at all.  No sense pushing it, especially since you have asthma.  That's just not smart.

  5. There are two schools of thought over this one, the one that makes sense to me is that the amount that you smoke is proportional to the increase in risk thus a cigarette a week won't really change your risk of getting cancer.

    The alternative school of thought is that one cigarette a week makes you a smoker, which lumps you in neatly with someone who smokes 60 a day, with all of the increase of risk that that entails.

  6. You will soon get addicted and you will long for the days when you could just have one while drinking. You have athsma so yes even one is harming you. Stop the habit now before it takes over your life and you become a SMOKER!

  7. you can get cancer smoking at any time it all depends on how strong are you to the cancer gene  

  8. Don't smoke.

  9. yes you can. people get cancer from even second hand home.  

  10. yes. it doesn't matter on how many times you smoke. the fact that you do it gives you a higher chance of getting cancer. my grandfather died because of this so i think its better if you stop now while you aren't addicted yet.

  11. Yes you can  

  12. **** no, it will higher your chances of smoking but the people tha get cancer smoke like a pack every day or 2

  13. Not cancer, no, but you're nuts if it's exaggerating "the most extreme form of asthma" (status asthamaticus?). Good way to compete for the Darwin awards. If you really want the nicotine, just buy some Commit nicotine lozenges at the drustore. They'll give you a buzz without causing asthma or do any kind of respiratory harm.

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