
Will I get denied private health insurance because of my 2 miscarriages?

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I am currently due in May with my first baby, but before that I had 2 first trimester miscarriages. I had blood tests done that showed that my blood clotting & all blood-related issues were normal, which is in my files. What are the odds that they will deny me for private health insurance? I am in excellent health/weight/etc. other than that.




  1. Under your circumstance,I suggest here for you to have a visit.

  2. Under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), a plan or insurance issuer cannot refuse to pay benefits by imposing a preexisting condition relating to pregnancy.

  3. Congratulations on carrying a baby to term!

    There is a possibility that you will be denied for coverage, but it is not likely.  If you are in excellent condition, and have been so for the duration of the pregnancy, it is entirely probable that the miscarriages will be ignored by the underwriter.  It also depends on how long ago those miscarriages were.  If they were 10 years ago, it makes no difference whatsoever, if they happened last year they will look at it.

    But chances are good that you will be accepted.

    Unfortunately, HIPAA does not protect you from your medical history as has been suggested.  That particular clause is not applicable in your case.  Fortunately, you probably won't need it.

  4. Although it will depend upon your state and the company, you shouldn't have any problems with most companies as long as you have a full term delivery with this baby. If you do have complications it may be very difficult to get an individual policy although you won't have any trouble getting on a group plan through an employer.

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