
Will I get hurt if lightning strikes my computer?

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I'm scared of getting struck by lightning so I always go inside and unplug everything except my fridge and my computer. Using my computer during a storm helps me forget about my fear and distract myself. I know there is a possibility that lightning could strike my computer but I was wondering if I will get hurt if that happens.




  1. I doubt that lightling will strike your computer directly (unless your computer happens to be outside on your roof). If your house is grounded, the most likely scenario if lightning hits your house is the power goes out. You will probably not get shocked.

    If you're really worried, get a surge protector for your computer.

  2. Well of course lightning won't strike the computer directly, it hits a power or telephone line and a huge amount of current flows through that line into your computer.  

    Most likely you own a surge protector(which is not JUST a power strip, but I think it's uncommon to see power strips that aren't also surge protectors any more)which is designed to cut your computer off when exposed to a sudden "surge" in power.  Some are rated to handle lightning strikes, some aren't.  You can get a good one for not much more than 30 bucks.

    It's a sudden burst in current that your computer experiences.  The wires and chips inside the computer are designed to take such and such amount of current.  Obviously lightning is a lot of current, and everything will overheat which will destroy the electronics, and you may smell burning insulation from the wires, but it usually won't start a fire or blow your monitor up or anything.  But it'll be the end of your computer of course.  If you don't have any type of protection, it's a good idea to not just cut it off but to also unplug it to remove the connection between the computer and outside.

  3. People talk about lightening "frying" their computers.  That's when the lightening causes a surge in power throughout our home.  It can do damage to any number of appliances that are plugged in.

    That is completely different than lightening STRIKING your computer.  Imagine it.  A bolt of lightening coming out of the sky and HITTING YOUR COMPUTER.  If that were to happen and you were at the keyboard, you'd get hit to.  But that's NOT what we're talking about.  Again, we're talking a surge of electricity coming through the wiring.  You are not in danger from that.  But your computer is!

    As a previous answer suggests, you want to get a powerful surge protector.

  4. If you are inside your home, there are a number of activities you should avoid. If lightning strikes your home, it takes the easiest route to earth, such as wires, cables and water pipes. Using a telephone, watching television and using a pc can all increase your risk of being affected by a strike to your home.

  5. if you live in the uk and have a 3 prong plug in you will be fine because it will short out first. if not you should be fine anyway, its very unlikely anything like that would happen and unless there is direct metal you will be fine, for example the keyboard and mouse is made of plastic so you would be fine

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