
Will I get in trouble at school, and What do you think of this?

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i am going to the 10th grade, and for summer reading we're supposed to read a biogrophy of someone, and i wanted to fight the system(our school) so i read a biogrophy of a pornstar named Jenna Jamison, and wrote a report about her, and some of the questions REQUIRED me to answer with innapporpriate answers. what do you think the teacher will say? and i dont care if i get in trouble.




  1. you did what you were required to do so i think it would be stupid if u got in trouble

  2. What do you mean exactly by inappropriate answers, if you used foul language, clean it up, unless it is a direct quote from the book.  

  3. well technically...if you read a biography...then it should be ok... but since you are in high school...high school teachers usually let you express yourself in any way you want as long as you don't physically hurt i think you will be fine...if you wrote a serious report...if its not serious i suggest you fix it..NOW or face consequences

  4. they didnt specify who the biography could or couldnt be on.. you did the report, and you filled the requirements.. if you get in 'trouble' id definitely protest it... the teacher, though she may not express it, will probably earn respect for you for 'fighting the system' in the way that you are... she or he probably will find it hysterical..

    and if you DO get in trouble, even though you dont care, definitely defend yourself... you did the report, you did a biography.. who cares who it was on.. you answered questions just like you were asked...  

  5. Even tho you did what you were supposed to schools have ways that make that not ok...I kno its dumb but principals are EVIL...mine is anyways!! lol

    But hey, good luck. I wish you the best in your 5 million detentions, or even suspension....

  6. lol awesome. one time i did a biography on michael jackson. SCORE.

  7. you did what was required to do, so even though it would look really bad, you still did the work.

  8. all i can think of is that the teacher says that it was inappropriate for you to write about some1 that required you to put answers. but it also depends on the teacher, school , and the mood that their in. o well you did it it to make a point . good luck i hope this helped

  9. hey, if there were no guidelines along with the assignment for who you should read about, then you cant get into too much trouble. but if they decide to call your parents..thats a different story.

    im feeling alot of respect for what you did though, good for you!!

  10. it REALLY depends on the teacher.... you probably would have gotten a grade regardless if you went to the teacher b4 hand and got permission... and got the OK to do it..

    that would score major points..... if it is creative and a good report, depending on the teacher, you should be fine....

    if the directions had limitations to the people, then dont do it

  11. i don't think so. you shouldn't be in trouble because you did your homework. but DO NOT answer with inappropriate answers. just write her life and whatnot.

  12. You will get into trouble and hopefully you will really care./

  13. She'll probably make you do another one. You probably won't get in trouble.

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