
Will I get in trouble for this?

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Here's the story: I was trying to exit the parking lot of my bank (the lot is kinda closed off) so there's only one entrance/exit). But I forgot about that and since my car is pretty low and I'm short (I forgot about the little sidewalk they have there me being too tired to really think at that time). So I drove over it accidentally (the lot was empty and I think the bank was closed at that time so no one was there). But I'm worried that I might get in trouble if they have me on camera.

I know it's really stupid of me to have done that (I'm a new driver and all), but my question is will I get in trouble for this?




  1. They will not come after you nor will the police , but next time your in there if every body is laughing then you know they watched the video in the break room of you doing that.

  2. Do not worry about it.  Not at all.

  3. Most likely, no one will see it on video.  They are usually only seen when something has happened and I'm assuming you weren't doing anything wrong in the parking lot.  You may have been pulled over had you been seen by an officer, but if nothing happened at the time you should be okay.  But be careful, it could be something much more precious than a sidewalk next time!

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