
Will I get my bond back?

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My house mate who owns the house I live in, has kicked me out of the house. She has given me four weeks notice before I will be evicted, and has demanded that I fully replace two towels that I used and washed in that time. When I washed one of them I accidentally put it with a red towel not understanding the consequences. The other towel was light blue and has now got a few pink splotches on it about the size of a child's fist.

The other towel has since gone missing.

I want to know if I legally have to replace these towels to get my bond back?

Thanks for answering, would really appreicate sources unless you know for sure. Thanks.




  1. You would actually go to court over 2 TOWELS!

    You messed up the towels, replace the darn things and move on.

    The answer, is no, you would win the bond in a hearing, minus the costs of the towels.

    But, you will spend more then they are worth and lose at least 3 days at the court house filling your papers, serving your law suit and going to the hearing.

    This is amazingly petty, especially since you obviously did destroy them.

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