
Will I get my period on birth control on the first pack?

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I got my period two saturdays ago.....and I took my first birth control pill that sunday.

today I will take the saturday pill completing the second week.

I will take one more week of active pills and then a week of sugar pills.

So my period has been very irregular for the past year.....I almost always get it for 5 days, and cramps and stuff arnt too thats not irregular, but when I get it is very irregular. I never get it after only 28days....

some of my last periods were

22nd of april

I didnt get it in may

1st of june

7th of july

9th on august

so as you can see....not very regular at all...and certainly more then 28 days before cycles.

So should I expect that birth control will make me get my period on the sugar pills after only the first pack.....if I got my period 28 days from my last I would get it the second to last sugar that when I should expect to get it? will I get it earlier in the sugar pills?

basically If I wasnt on birth control I would most likely not be getting my period after on 28 will birth control make me get it on the sugar pills(after just the 28 days)? can it do this even on the first pack? can it regulate it that quickly?




  1. Going on birth control does make your period regular. But, it often takes a few months for your body to adjust to the new hormones and for your period to get onto a normal schedule. Give it 3 months, but my guess is it wont take that long, it usually doesn't!

    ~Nurse in Indiana  

  2. It's funny b/c you and I started BCP on the same day. I just finished my second week of my first cycle too. I'm on it to regulate my period and because of my boyfriend. The way I understand it is you will get your period sometime during the week of the placebos (sugar pills). From what I've heard it may take a few cycles to get your body regulated, but once it is you will without fail get it every 28 days and even sometimes at a certain time of the day.

    By any chance have you had breakthrough bleeding? I take my pill at 6am every morning and from 8am-2pm I bleed like I have a light period. After that you'd never know I spotting.  

  3. If you will use pills properly (every day at the same time) - you will have absolutely regular normal periods - read more below

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