
Will I get paid more at a Stop & Shop service desk?

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I'm moving from being a cashier to the service desk. Right now I make $8.30/hr. I'm just curious cause you seem to do a lot more there. They seem to have the same amount of responsibility (in different ways of course) as a CDH who get paid 25 cents more than a cashier. If anyone knows from personal experience it'd be great to hear from you.




  1. I work at Stop and Shop and get paid $8.30 too, at my store the CDH's make $10.00 an hour. and no you do not get a raise moving to the service desk because I asked one of the CDH's and they said no.

  2. i don't know about stop &shop; but usually when you are moving from one position to another there is an increase associated with it.  why don't you ask your manager if this is so.  good luck

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