
Will I get really bad morning sickness again?

by Guest64175  |  earlier

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With my first child I got morning sickenss from my 6th week until I was ready to deliver. My whole pregnancy was terrible, I vomited at least twice a day and was put on medication, wich did not do a lot. Now, I am pregnant with my second just past 6 weeks and just feel tired and a little neusea. Could this pregnancy be different?




  1. for your sake, i hope so. Yes, it can be different. I felt horrible my first pregnancy and my second one was a lot better! good luck!

  2. Yes all pregnancies are different. With my first two I had absolutely no morning sickness never puked not once. Now I am pregnant with my third and I am sicker than a dog. I puke everyday between 9:30 pm and 10:30 pm. The doc told me it should stop or decrease around the 12th or 13th week. I am in the fourteenth week still happening. So yes. And good luck.

  3. When they say every pregnancy is different, they aren't kidding. A little morning sickness is common in the first trimester. Try to eat saltines before getting out of bed or after a nap. Also, Try not to let yourself get an empty stomach.. at least with me, that seems to make my nausea worse. I had no morning sickness with my first and I am currently pregnant with my second and have had morning sickness everyday for the past 7 weeks.... I hope yours goes the opposite way too! No one likes to be sick.

  4. It's hard to tell, every pregnancy is different. With my first, I was sick everyday for 6 months, with this one I was very sick from 6 weeks to around 15 or 16. Although with my first, my sickness lasted longer- with this one I was WAY more sick, but it didn't last as long. Hopefully you will be in the clear this time!

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