
Will I get the job I just interviewed for?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Sorry, but I don't believe so.

    A better one is ahead for you.

  2. No.

  3. that will depend on your qualifications, experience and how your presented yourself to the perspective employer, nothing paranormal about that.

  4. no,however did you really had an interview?-(I'm just kidding you),they would call you ....

  5. thats a hard one..

    it looks good, but i dont think they have decided yet

  6. This may not be the one, but a good job is just ahead.

  7. h**l to the NAW

  8. I'm pretty sure the outcome will either be yes or no.

    If you ask enough psychics, you'll probably get equal amounts of each answer plus many vague non-answers.

  9. hi paul

    "what do you desire right now?

    visualize it, and it will come about..

    negativity will block your progress.....

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