
Will I go to Jail for lying about insurance????

by  |  earlier

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I was in an accident I gave them an out dated proof of insurance paper. This happened about 3 wks ago, Now they're insurance company found out that I lied, what now???




  1. You will not go to jail so don't worry. If the accident was your fault, you will have to pay out of pocket for all repairs for the other vehicle.  The insurance company will ask you if you knew that your insurance had lapsed. If you have a lien on your veh (make care payments), your finance company most likely knows that you're driving around without insurance because every 6 months your insurance co sends proof of insurance to the finance co.   Depending on what state you live in, you'll accrue either monthly or daily fines for not having insurance and your registration will be suspeneded. The only way you'll be able to renew your registration is to pay the fines.  Then, if you're driving around on suspended registration and the police run your tags, they will immediately make you park your car and they will take your tags.  While you won't go to jail, you're going to have to pay a lot of money to fix it. So, you might want to handle this straight away.

  2. yeah i was going threw rough times back in the day i had no insurance somebody rearended me and about 6-8 months later i found out my license was suspended

  3. Not for showing an officer the out dated paper.  The officer could have looked closer at it too.  But if your state requires you to have insurance and you don't they find out you're driving around without insurance, I don't know, I think its possible.  However I pretty positive they can suspend your license immediately.  So you might want to keep an eye out for that.  Or you could possibly get I fine.  I would yahoo search your state's name and auto insurance laws.

  4. Who did you give the info to?  The other driver or a law enforcement officer?  If you gave it to a cop, that could be consider giving false information to a police officer.  If it was just the other driver, all they can do is tell the other person your policy is expired.  He can come after you civily for the damages.  In California, once your policy is dropped, insurance companies are required to notify the DMV.  The DMV will send you a letter saying you have 3 weeks to find insurance or we will suspend your registration.

  5. Now the other guy's insurance, lawyers, will come after you.  They will take you to court and the court will make you pay what ever the insurance company spent on your accident plus time and fees.  Up to judge if there will be jail time involved.

    Some guy without insurance ran me off the road.  My insurance company tried to collect from him but he had no assests.  He was driving someone elses truck, had no income, or valuables.  My insurance company ended up paying for my motorcycle even though it was his fault!

    If you don't have insurance you shouldn't be on the road!  Situations like these are why insurance costs so much.

  6. You lied, if only you now you lied then act dumb say you thought it had been renewed....

    You will get into trouble any way why make it worse

  7. No, you will not go to jail.  Do you have insurance?  If so, contact your insurer directly and report the claim.  If not, contact the other insurance company, eventually they will contact you if you don't.  You will need to reimburse them for any damage they paid out to their insured.  You should be able to set up a payment plan with them.

    Edit - you will not have to repay if you were not at fault for the accident

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