
Will I grow at all please help!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and 5'4 my dad is 5'8 and my mother is 5'2 and I hate being small because I'm the shortest guy in my class out of the boys so I get the bottom locker and coaches underestimate me alot. Will I keep growing atleast to 5'10 or 6'0?




  1. Heyyyyyy!  Stop all that worrying!  It won't solve a thing!  You're much too young to have such big worries!  The way I see it - you've got at least 6 more years of growth potential & will probably have spurts of growth here & there along the way.  Just be happy with what God gives you & do the best with what you end up with.  In the meantime, enjoy your teen years - you will never have it this good again - study hard in school to get an excellent education so you can eventually get out here & solve the world's problems.  Worrying is like a rocking chair - you get a lotta action - but you don't go anywhere!  Best of luck to you, kiddo!

  2. everyone is different. i was 5'7 from the time i was 13 until i was almost 22. a couple weeks before my 22nd birthday i started growing again. fastforward one year and i was 6'1-6'2. my father, even though only 5'11 came from a very tall family, so that helped.  if your whole family is short, now is the time to talk to a doctor and see what he can do for you.  if your doctor says no, find another. there are pills and such out there which can enable you to grow several inches past what would be your potential height.

  3. You'll grow!! You'll stop growing at the age of 18... dont worry!



  4. If you're only 14, you've probably got between 2 to 4 more years of growing to go.  You won't necessarily stop growing at 18 like the guy above me said.  I finished at 17.  You're probably not going to break 6', if you even reach that, sorry, but it's possible if you haven't hit your big growth spurt in height yet.

  5. you'll grow

    take my word for it

  6. I was short and I continued to grow until I was 20. Don't worry about it.

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