
Will I have any problem? ?

by  |  earlier

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My 10 year old cat is a very healthy and strong cat and never took him to the vet because there was never a need to, I got him when he was 2 years old, he was neutered and had his shots. now he has 2 days without defecating, I want to take him to the veterinary but I would like to know if I will have any problem because is the first time I take him in 8 years? and have no proof of him getting his shots




  1. Most vets will consider him a first visit: do a physical, don't have to have him tested for anything...they'll want to test for feline leukemia, etc...He will need to have a rabies shot, because that's usually the law..but as an older cat you probably won't need to get him shots.....I'm not sure that 2 days without defecating is a real problem unless he has other symptoms, like not eating....lethargy.....etc. They also will take a look at his teeth and tell you that he needs a good cleaning...too much tartar, etc...(that involves putting the cat under anesthesia, and $$$$$) All of this can be refused by you..but they will soak you for a initial first visit..maybe 50-65 dollars, depending on where you live....Is this a totally inside cat?? You don't have to be defensive about not taking him to the vet...he has been healthy and living to ten years is a good sign that all is well with him....A vet shouldn't give you a hard time....but they will suggest many many things that you "should" have done...if you want to, fine; but it will be costly...ask up front about all the costs, and pick out what you want to be done....all you have to say is that you don't have the money for it, and they will leave you alone....

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