
Will I have rough years in Middle school?

by Guest31659  |  earlier

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I was never "cool" in Elementary school.

I have......




4.long straight red hair

5.i weigh 62 lb.

6.I'm 5"6

7.I make straight A's

8.I'm in band

9.I have a weak stomach stomach has a low tolerance for the cafeteria food so I might throw up at school like i did about 8 times last year

11.i can't afford the "latest fashion" because I have 6 older brothers.

Will my years at middle school be bad?




  1. Probably, but it sucks for the "cool" kids, too. Jr. High sucks for everyone, not just the nerdy ones...however, after you get over this awkward phase of your life, it'll get better!

  2. it depends on what you make of them! if people make fun of you for the traits you mentioned, turn it around and make fun of yourself! if people realize you're not sensitive of who you are they will be more likely to accept you and be nice! I had panic attacks, huge thick glasses, braces, terrible acne, a terrible fashion sense that I thought rocked the house, awesome grades, was always talking about animals and saving the world, and people made fun of me for the longest time...until I just stopped caring about it! it can be rough if you let it, but if you just enjoy what you're doing and who you are, You'll be just fine!!

  3. i'm sorry to say this but most likely, yes you will. I hope you prove me wrong though!

  4. Don't Worry. EVERYONE has a bad middle school year. Its okay. Just be yourself and I promise you will be okay. The first few days might be tough, but just look around for someone who looks nice, and don't be afraid to talk.  People might make fun of you, but they do it to a lot of people so don't worry.Just think of it as them being bored and not having a life. Because, thats all it is. If someone is bothering you, either ignore it or say something back. You should most likely just ignore them though. A lot of people have asthma. Most people probably won't even know you have it unless you need your inhailer in PE or  something. As for glasses, a lot of people have glasses too. No big deal. In middle school, half of the kids in each grade level have braces so  don't worry about that. Its considered really good if you make straight A's. just remember, people who make fun of you for that most likely are jealous and probably have D's and stuff. If you have a weak stomach, maybe you could pack a lunch or something. A lot of people do that in middle school. Its okay if you can't afford the "Latest fashions". I don't think anybody will make fun of  you for that. Just remember to be yourself and have as much fun as possible. Middle school is very dramatic but as long as you don't get caught up in all of that, you will be fine. Good Luck.

  5. there are only 2 (maybe 3) things i see on here that they might make fun of.

    1-u weigh 62 lb and are 5"6??? if u really weigh that little, a lot of people will probably call u annorexic.

    2-weak stomach. to help avoid this, bring ur own food that u know wont make u sick.

    and the maybe 3-glasses. its not a big deal but u might want to convince ur parents to get contacts.

    but other than that dont worry ur fine

    bands not a problem the coolest person at my school is in band plus i am and i am so cool (not really but im not a dork)

    for the not being able to buy clothes like from abercrombie and stuff, just try and work with what u got, u can normally get even cheap stuff to look good

    good luck

  6. 1.  Lots of kids have asthma, just don't suck at sports

    2.  Glasses: get some really cute frames next time

    3.  Braces: doesn't matter

    4.  Um, sleep with wet hair so it'll get curly?

    5/6.  You're taller than an adult?  Don't worry

    7.  Rock it, but don't brat

    8.  What's wrong with band?  Most of the cool people in middle school that I knew were in band, (and they parlayed the sense of rhythm to dance)

    9.  Um, avoid roller coaster?

    10.  Don't eat cafeteria food.  Honestly, in my district the poor kids ate in the caf

    11. My school had uniforms to avoid this, but in high school the coolest kid I knew was a legitimage hippy (not wanna be hippy) and rocked the vintage

    I wasn't the cool kid in school, but I was also self-conscious.  The kids who were perceived as cool had much of what you have.  Coolness is self-confidence in yourself and the ability to be legitimately friendly and caring.  It sounds old hack, but after growing up a bit, I realized that the cool people were actually physically unattractive, but they just exuded such confidence that they were fun to be around.

    Besides, Middle School is only three years of your life.  Be confident, true to yourself, and make friends.  And, I hate to say it, but look at Lizzie Macguire.  She wasn't "cool," but she had good friends that helped her to get through the awkward stages of her life.  Follow suit, and find friends you're compatible with.  That's all that really matters, and keep up your good grades and music.

  7. I'm sorry to say you will have rough years in Middle school by try to be outgoing so people will notice you! You might be embarrassed a couple times but don't let that stop you from having a great time. Stay with your friends even if you have a couple and try making new friends.

    6th grade was the best year of my life, 7th got worse but I made lots of good friends...and now im entering....THE 8th GRADE

  8. probably... cuz you don't have the "cool" look. but don't worry about it cuz when the "popular" people get older they will feel bad that they picked on you.

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