
Will I have time to sell my car if I get detained as a illegal alien?

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I am an Australian and since I thought I was going to stay here for some time due to my 3 year F1-Student Visa, (I am now out of status) I have bought a car, motorcycle and furniture, if immigration authorities detain me do I have any time to sell those items or export them back to Australia with me?




  1. you are an illegal alien

    you did not have rights to the money that you used to buy the deserve to loose it all.

    now if you was here legal, you would have rights...

  2. omg alien y not just use your 5000mph UFO ?

  3. if youre interested in staying in america i would recommend becoming a citizen to avoid this problem.

    but if you are certain youll be returning to australia, send back the most important things.

  4. um not unless you say before you arrest me do you mind if i sell this stuff they are usually pretty cooperative about those things        not

  5. maybe...some times they give you a couple days, weeks or 2 monthes ... it depends

  6. Normally Govt. snatch all rights of wrong doers.

  7. If you have been arressted, I doubt they would let you go out and sell your stuff, but then again, with a lawyer I would guess something could be arranged. You did not say that you earned the money to buy those things by working illegally, and It doesn't seem like that's the case. All I really wanted to say is that when people are just guessing, they shouldn't answer a question as if their guess is a fact, when they really have no idea what they are talking about.

  8. no, your illegal status negates any claim to ownership of property you may have in the US.

  9. i doubt it

  10. Now, you are the kind of illegals that we need more of so I would hope so.

  11. You are saying "IF" so that means you haven't been detained yet. Now is the time to do something about it not When you get detained

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