
Will I have to get separate Master degrees?What are the steps to take to do this?

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I want to be an early childhood education teacher and I am working on my BA currently. I am thinking about being a child psychologist on the side to bring in more income for myself too.

I am minoring in English and I am still debating minoring in psychology too. At my university to minor in psychology, a total of 6 psychology courses must be taken.Not bad.So I am taking this 2nd course in psychology. I want to earn my Masters in early childhood education and my PhD in early childhood education. I was told by my psychology teacher that I have to have a Masters to practice psychology.

So how do I go about getting a Masters in both early childhood education and psychology? Will I have to earn 2 separate Masters degrees and 2 separate PhDs?

I know I can start teaching after I earn my BA. But how do I go about becoming a psychologist on the side to bring in more income?Plus I like psychology too.




  1. Yes, you will have to earn two Master degrees and eventually two PhDs by completing all the required classes for EACH degree.  You don't have to get the Master in early childhood education to teach because you will already have your BA.  You should be able to teach with your BA while you go to school to get your Master and PhD in psychology but prepared you might have to take more psychology classes and get your Bachelor's in psychology as well (not just a minor) so you can then go into the Masters program.  Talk to a counselor who can better help you.

  2. Get your BA in education, then your masters in education if you want - but you don't have to! You can just go straight to getting your MSW w/out a masters in education!

    Go ahead and minor in english and psychology.

    Then get a MSW (Masters of Social Work) - that way, you can be a therapist, and since you have a degree in early childhood education, you can specialize in children/families.

    Then you can go on to PHDs in education and psychology if you want! But if you don't want to be in school FOREVER, just get the MSW, you can do therapy with just that and have a great career!

    Good luck!

  3. You can't become a psychologist whith out a graduate degree and i think it has to be  a PHD but you can be a counselor and you can choose your clients with just a masters in couseling.  

    As for the PHD in education you will  probbally want to teach college because with all that money you spent  you will not just want to be a teacher.

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