
Will I have to pay for a replacement carpet when I move out of my apartment?

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I am 34, divorced with two kids and a kitty. In the first year and a half, my cat decided that the carpet on the stairs was his new scratching post and did a number on the top two stairs (it was commercial carpet like in an office). I got that straightened and it looks better but will definitely need to be replaced when I eventually move out. The kids also go some kind of "koolaid color stain on the carpet outside the kitchen. It is covered up with a floor rug.

I have lived there for 4.5 years now and will probably be here atleast another 2-3 years unless something happens unexpected. maybe longer.

They have a security of 1100 total and am wondering if I will get that back if I ever move out. My thinking is that if I have lived here for 7 years and the carpet was atleast a year old before I moved in, I should have to only pay a depreciated replacement value

living in PA




  1. You will only have to pay the depreciated value, but expect them to nit-pick every possible charge on other damages to keep as much of the deposit as possible. I would.

  2. Landlord is entitled only to depreciated value.  The carpet will be about 8 years old by the time you move out.  I believe that is probably the typical life expectancy for carpet in an apartment, in which case the depreciated value of the carpet will be zero when you move.

  3. I am a PA landlord and I believe you'll end up paying the depreciated value due to the long length of time you live threre.

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