
Will I kill my plant?

by  |  earlier

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Just moved house and there is a really pretty plant in the garden but it is growing over the path. If i cut it back will it damage it???




  1. It depends what kind of plant it is.

    It shouldn't die if you cut it back. If you do cut it back though you mught as well trim the whole plant.

  2. If you dont need a plant there is a chemical to kill it named " Glyphosate"

  3. most plants will stand up to  pruning.

  4. You say it is a plant.

    If it is a perennial, it will die back at the end of the season and when it begins to grow again in the spring – you can keep it in check as it grows. If it is an annual it will die this winter and you won’t have it there next year.

    If it is a shrub and you are going to cut it back – do it sooner than later. And do not fertilize it at all. You want to keep down new growth to a minimum – the new growth may not have time to harden off by the fall and it will cause dieback this winter.

    Also start by cutting out center and outer branches at ground level. You may be able to cut the longest branches out and it would be enough to no longer be in the way. If that is not enough you can begin to shape it a bit from the center up – cutting out branches you don’t need or want. For now try to cut as little as you can – just enough to ease up on the obstruction and then in the spring you can prune it to the shape you want it to be.

    Also, do your best to see if you can find out what kind of “plant” it is. You will then be able to have better information as to the proper time to cut it back (spring or fall) – to avoid interfering with flowering – if it flowers.

    Another option you can look into is the possibility of trimming it back and transplanting it to a better location – all of which you will be wise to be better informed as to what exactly it is called.

    With the limited information you have provided – if you trim it back ONLY enough to get it out of your way – it should be fine and recover nicely. Some shrubs, HEAVILY pruned at the wrong time of year CAN cause them to die. So use restraint for now.
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