
Will I let my football team down?

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I don't want to play football anymore. I am a sophomore in high-school, and my class only has 4 players on the team, including me. I'm afraid that if I don't play, I will let the team down. I still love football, I just don't have fun playing anymore, and I dread going to practice every day. But there is nothing I would rather do than sit down and watch a college football game with my dad. My dad wants me to play, but he told me that he won't pressure me, and I can make any decision I want to. I'm starting to get depressed. The season hasn't quite started yet. This week is camp, and next week practice starts. Should I stop thinking about how my decision will affect others, and just focus on how it will affect me? Or do I stick it out for 3 more years?




  1. Consider this: Why do you play sports? Many kids play b/c their dad pressures them too (be glad your dad isn't like that) and some play for the recognition. If you are not playing because you enjoy it, find out what you enjoy and let your heart be free with it. No one can do something they don't enjoy doing. Life's too short not to enjoy it.

  2. sorry dude thats really a decission you have to make for your self. if you don't play you might regret it the rest of your life but i guess it could be the same if you did play. sorry that i couldn't be more help.

    Good Luck!

  3. It is important to think of others when  making a decision, but it is also important to think of yourself.  If you do not enjoy playing football anymore but continue to play because of how you feel it might effect the team, then you may end up hurting your team anyway, because your heart will not be in it.  As a result you will not play up to your full potential and that will cause other members of your team to not play to their full potential.  

    I would suggest that you do not play football if you really do not want to, because that would be the best thing for your team.  

  4. Stick it out.

  5. Think about this: if you play without wanting to play; you are letting down yourself. And it's not fair to your teammates if you're out there playing and your heart's not into it.

    My point? Do what you want. Don't even let my opinion here get in your way. Think about your decision; and trust yourself to make the right one.

  6. stick it out just play for another team 4 players isnt gonna get you ****.  

  7. Consider this...when it gets to be week 3 or 4, and you aren't on that team, can you live with that decision?  That is your answer.  If you do decide to play, play with your heart in it 100%.  Anything less will let your teammates down even more so.

  8. Dude stick it out, I felt the same way you did going into my sophomore year. You will get into the season and forget about the dread. If you quite now you will miss the h**l out of it. Going back to camp is the worst part of it but the feeling does pass. I am just telling you every college game you watch you will miss it. Everytime you smell freshly cut grass you will miss it. I am telling you stick it out high school football is worth it .

  9. The position for you? Punter.  

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