
Will I lose 15-20 pounds doing this....?

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Doing things if bored i.e. cleaning swimming an hour in the morning and one in the evening of excersize from "the look " eating only a lunch and dinner or breakfast and lunch trying to be healthy on the choices . If I can how long approx. will it take




  1. DON'T SKIP YOUR MEALS. Trust me, this is an awful way to lose weight. Just eat healthily 3-5 times a day.

    If you do those exercises it shouldn't take too long to lose your weight.

    But beware of one thing. In the first week or so you'll loose some weight, then in another week or whatever you may stay at the same weight or even gain a pound or two. DON'T GIVE UP HERE. That's your water weight, and you WILL loose your excess weight if you just KEEP GOING.

    Really, just try and stay healthy and that's the best thing you can do.


  2. well first off you should always have a big breakfast to kick start your metabolism and then three more smaller meals through out the day.

    no soda

    drink water

    do 30 mins of cardio

    and do some strength training exercises.

    thats how i lost weight.

    it took a few months to lose 15 pounds but i'm still losing it and i'm keeping it off

    the only way to keep off the weight is if you do it slowly

  3. Rule #1 of weight loss... DO NOT skip meals. Your body will hold fat when you withhold meals.  Even when you exercise. If you skip eating, you will lose muscle and then you loose your fat burning helper.  I am all for low carb eating. I lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks on the South Beach Diet.. You eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and dessert. And you loose the weight, healthy and faster than you think. Its normal to loose 5-7 lbs in week one but then it will slow and 1-2 lbs is normal. Pushing it will make you gain it all back, when you go back to eating again.. Exercise is great for your heart. However its not what will make you lose the fat. Cut the sugar and you will see... You will turn your body into a fat burning machine.  

  4. haha

    no but youll get toned

    unless you are overweight

    then you have a chance

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