
Will I lose sound quality/strength using a 100 ft. Headphone extension cable?

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I want to be able to monitor a music mix, with headphones, one hundred feet from a Yamaha mixer.




  1. You may lose some, but not much.  If you have the option, it's better to spend the extra money on a quality cable.  Oh, and... 100FT?!!!!

  2. The quality shouldn't be bad. It will be the same as if you had a five foot headphone cable.

  3. Generally, some sound quality and strength are lost with long cords. (100 ft.?? wtf!!!)  I would recommend (if possible) cordless headphones.

  4. Yes, you will lose some quality and you are probably going to pick up noise because the headphone cable is UNBALANCED.  Unbalanced audio should be run only 20 feet or so maximum.

    Balanced audio can run hundreds of feet with little loss in quality and little interference.

    The way to set up your remote monitoring is to use a balanced output from the board (or two if you need stereo).  Wire each balanced output using twisted shielded pair wire (like mic cable) to the remote location.

    Then get an inexpensive headphone amplifier for the remote location.  This is the way any competent audio engineer would set up a remote monitoring location.

    Good headphone amp:

    E-mail me if you need more help with this.

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