
Will I lose weight if I exercise ??

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I'm 5'5 and 118 pounds. Im pretty thin. I want to start running, and I am not really physically fit, but I would like to be. I dont want to be any skinnier than I already am. If anything, bigger! If I exercise and just eat more, a good amount of intake, do you think I could end up weighing a bit more? Or since Im going to be in physical shape, will I weigh less regardless??




  1. You loose weight by using more calories than you're taking in.  So if you're consuming enough calories, you shouldn't loose any weight.  If you want to add weight, eat lots of lean protein and do some weight training as well (low weight, lots of reps).

  2. If you do a weight lifting routine you will gain weight because muscle weights more than fat.  It is the fastest way to get into better shape and will help with running if that is what you want to do.  Running itself is not a good exercise for you to gain any weight because it mostly burns off fat.

    You should do a decent weight routine designed to build up muscles which means using a weight you can only do 10 reps of. Don't use light weights and lots of reps cause that has the same effect as running.  Talk to a trainer.

  3. to loose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. exercise will help you burn up those calories

  4. Follow this You will lose weight in 45 days

    for more help try

    Avoid milk items

    Avoid oil items( fryed)

    No meat

    Eat fruits for dinner (not juice)

    Eat less(little more vegetables)

    Drink more water

    Walk daily

  5. well, yes and no. Exersize will help you gain weight, but lose weight. you build muscle which makes you gain pounds.

  6. If you would like to be thinner, then work out & eat healthy, if you just want to be in shape, i think you should work out, most likely you will gain wait from the muscles.

  7. Running will probably make you lose weight, but if you eat more than you burn, you'll probably make muscle and weigh more, but still look fit instead of overweight. Just don't eat tooooo much. Try it out for about a month and see how things work out.

    Good luck!

  8. eat a normal healthy diet (lots of fruit, veggies, and not alot of fats or salt) and exercise 3-4 times a week then yes. and also you'll be alot healther

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