
Will I make the volleyball team?

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Like i've tried out when i was in 5th grade. but i didn't make it cause i was short [at least thats what they told me] but now i'm going into the 9th grade and i am VERY nervois about trying out. I'm good but still short.




  1. Short hopefully means more speed.  Short means lower center of gravity.  Short has nothing to do with volleyball when you are talking about a setter position or a DS position.  It's the skill of the pass or set that gets you through.  Now, of course, being "short" affects your hitting, unless you have a great veritical.  

    Concentrate on becoming a DS or a setter.  However, now-a-days, 5'10"/6'0" setters are becoming a dime a dozen.  

    Think about becoming a DS.  That means, practice passing.....a bunch.

  2. We can't answer if you'll make the team, only YOU can answer that

    Chill out! It's a sport, it should be FUN!!!

    If you are as short as you say you are, try libero! Before I grew that's what I was! Now I'm a right side/setter!!

    Just keep your confidence up, your nervousness down, and have a good attitude.

    But just have FUN! That's the point of the game! To have fun!

    Good luck!!!

  3. You don't exactly need to be tall to play volleyball. Although it is a good essential, coaches look for players that can hit the ball over the net and players that can keep it in the court. I'm pretty tall, so I'm up in the front a lot. But, if you're short it shouldn't matter. Just try not to focus on when the coach is looking at you and play your normal game. You'll make the volleyball team even if you are short. Just give it your all!

  4. your form and and you serving positions and making sure that you are getting high enough off the ground to set your spike up just right. get with some of your friends and practice your maneuvering and nothing is worse than not knowing your way around the court

    running is also something good to do it keeps your energy up

  5. yea

  6. YES U WILL =D

  7. It doesn't matter how tall you are, it's how you play and more importantly, how you act.

    If you play confidently and yell and talk a lot you will get noticed by the coaches, even if you are short

    I know a varsity player who's 5 feet tall and she' s great!!!

    If you're still nervous about your height practice jumping up and down for about 5 minutes every day to get a better vertical!!

    Hope these tips help and good luck!!!

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