
Will I need to upgrade my battery/amp from stock to run this system?

by  |  earlier

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Im driving a 2000 Grand Am GT2 and am about to install 2 12'' 1000w JL dub series subs in a bassworx box thats dual ported. Its running off a Kenwood KAC - 7252 2 channel AB amp with built in crossover and 100db bassboost. Its got 1 pair of outputs with 500x2 peak watts and 500x1 bridged watts. It also has a 1.0 F ICAP. I've done smaller simpler systems before and plan to install this with a few more experienced friends who know how to charge the cap since i've never installed one before. Any feedback about the power requirements or any other opinions about the system would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.




  1. Well, i tend to agree more with Mario than the rest, however i would not go as far as to say get rid of the cap. Sparky as Mario mentioned would support the fact that a cap does not add power to the system and that it does add strain to the alternator. BUT sparky has and uses a cap.... why because it makes the sound better... but it does not supply extra power. it does level off the power, but if your lights are dimming that is a sign of not enough power and only a alternator will "properly" fix that problem...

    All that said i think with 500 watts, you will be fine with everything stock. But i would get a larger wire kit, because with those subs you will likely want to upgrade latter, and you won;t want to rewire a new amp so overkill the wiring now, to prevent replacing later.

    Hope that helps..

    PS - not real impressed with soundfreq's links, in fact one had comments saying he was wrong. i never relie on open forums for "factual" information it is a bad idea. and that goes for Yahoo answers. i have placed a link below for a site i personally feel has great information. tons and tons of scientific facts. if you go to section 46 (right side navigation) it will take you to the capacitor section. you may find it interesting.

  2. Mario ↑ you dont know what your talking about.

    your comment on caps is a load of c**p.

    well except for they need to be charged first

    ,but thats about it.

    here are a couple of articles to teach you a thing or two about caps.

    Oh.. and if i were your boss, i'd fire you.

  3. your amp description was kinda foggy so I will try to answer as best as possible. If you are running 1000watts rms subs then I recommend that you 1: Upgrade your BIG 3 2: buy a slightly bigger alternator (not a HO alt but a stronger one) 3: buy a battery that is kinetic (dry cell). I would first start off with the BIG 3 and see if that helps. You gonna be running lots of power and factory wires can't handle that much so step up to 2 or 0 gauge wire for the BIG 3. Also I know that the BIG 3 will help but you might need to get a dry cell battery if your headlights are dimming too much. Last thing I would do would be get a new alternator. Its gonna run everything electrical in your car so you wanna make sure that it is stronger I kwould get it test first and formost. Last thing I recommend is that you GET RID OF THE CAP!!!!! They don't know anything. If you use the CAP you must charge it first. Once it is fully charged, and you and you have your system running. The cap will discharge to even out the voltage level from your subs but your alternator will still have to charge it up once its drained. DO NOT USE A CAP. It will only add more strain on your alternator. if you need more advise or help email me. Good Luck Oh FYI anyone who tells you that a CAP is needed is a lier point blank.

    This guy soundfreq is crazy!!!! if you think that I am lying then please consult Sparky (he is the leader of this group). He will tell you point blank that once a cap is discharged then it only hurts your system verus help it. If we both agree that the ALTERNATOR powers EVERYTHING electrical in the car then what is the CAP? IT'S ELECTRICAL DUMB AZZ. So the alternator will still have to work harder. Look Kid I know you think your hot sh*t but your not. how both you leave this stuff to the pros and ask anyone of them. Give any car install shop a ring and they will tell you that CAPS ARE FOR SHOW AND ONCE DISCHARGE THEY PUT AN EXTRA LOAD ON YOUR ALTERNATOR!!!! - SoundFreq I'm not trying to knock on you but you had no right to say that I don't know sh*t. Let have a poll and see what others think. Be looking for my next question.

  4. You don't need to upgrade the battery, that's what the cap is for.  If you really want loud bass i suggest you get a stronger amp like a 1000w one.  Hope this helps.

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