
Will I pass as a local?

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@> .'s If you are sincere, sorry my dad is not Bob Stevens. Fortunately my father was with me growing up.




  1. Not at all.

  2. ''wow,  you look like my half sister ''Hong''   we're viet and american,  when i clicked on the pics, i was thrown by the resemblance.  no, you dont look native of Nam,  me and my half sister went together to Nam recently and people thought she was still american.   you look so much like her. shes 38 years old.  our dads were horny G.I.'s  she dont know her dad.  his name was Bob stevens.  is your dad "bob"?

  3. no, i think its safe to say you don't. I could possibly say you'd pass as a person from thailand, but its also a bit of a stretch.

  4. lol....who told tat u look like vietnamese, then they are either blind or don't know what vietnamese people look like.....

  5. yes totally

  6. I doubt it unless you can pass for Amerasian.  Your first picture looks Asian Indian, 2nd Central Asian, the third one looks Asian, Latina, and Euro all at once.

  7. I dont feel that you would fit in here in Vietnam.

  8. Not unless you speak Vietnamese, plus I don't think you look Vietnamese, more like a Filipina.

  9. Na! you don't look Vietnamese at all. If you can speak the language fluently then it would be a plus. But hey! you don't have to be Vietnamese to travel to Vietnam. We welcome anybody as long as they don't disturb the peace :-)

    My niece is 1/4 French and 3/4 Vietnamese. She doesn't look Asian .However, she speaks Vietnamese quite well. She used to work as an intern for a French company in Vietnam for 6 months. She had no trouble whatsoever.

  10. No you don't you look like you're spanish

  11. I'm Amerasian (Vietnamese-American). Everyone here (U.S.) thinks I look like I'm Vietnamese (because I am). However, it's a different story when I'm actually in Vietnam.

    If you were in Ha Noi, you would be pegged as an American from the moment you got off the plane. Just based on your photo I can tell that you will stick out among the natives like you were wearing a bright green shirt. However, you might get away as a native in HCMC if you don't open your mouth.

    HCMC is more cosmopolitan than the rest of Vietnam. You will see more con lai and other mixes than you will in Ha Noi or other parts of Vietnam. The diet in the South is different as well, which makes it easier for us fat Americans to blend in.

    Aside from speaking choppy Vietnamese, a dead giveaway for Viet Kieu are their teeth. Foreign Viets take better care of their teeth than native Viets, and just a smile can give you away. In other words, your teeth are white and their teeth are yellow.  You will still stick out even if you were born in Ha Noi with two Vietnamese parents and you pulled all of your teeth out, because your wallet will be a lot fatter than the natives.

    Don't let this discourage you to take your trip. You're going to have a lot of fun regardless of blending in with the natives.

  12. No you don't.

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