
Will I pass my urine test?

by  |  earlier

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The last time I smoked weed (I stopped cold turkey for good) was exactly 54 days ago, with that in mind and the fact I haven't been around it or seen it since then in addition to drinking juice and water do I have a chance.

thanks in advance




  1. Help, where am I?

  2. oh ya, u have nothin to worry about!if u havent smoked oin 54 days then u r good!:)

  3. If they just do a urine test,  you will pass.

  4. i think you will pass it, enough days have gone by. good luck

  5. You should be usually takes 30 days for it to get out of ur system. The only way u wouldnt is if it was a hair test, which is rarely done. If your still worried about it just drink a lot of water.

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