
Will I really need a laptop for university?

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..And I can't seem to find any cheap ones with good battery life.. most are two hours =/. Any suggestions?




  1. Yes, and to be quite honest, battery life shouldn't be a major factor in deciding which laptop to buy.  At my university, almost every classroom and dorm room/lounge has at least one electrical outlet (most have one per desk).  As long as you bring your power cord with you, you shouldn't ever have a problem with battery life unless you're using your computer to go somewhere (like on a bus or airplane), in which case you aren't exactly using it for school work (if you're like me).  Also, for most classes (I am an engineer, it might be different for you though) laptops aren't necessary and are in fact a hindrance sometimes when trying to take notes.  They're also a distraction in some (the more boring) classes, so watch out.

  2. YES!

  3. yes plus 25,999 quid a car a house a large jacuzzi business model long holidays a duck too water advarrks and a pidgeon called speckled jimio

  4. why do u care about batt life? keep the charger plugged in or somethin man

  5. Mac computers are the best, 4 hours battery life and you can install windows on another partition using the build-in boot camp (switch between them by rebooting and holding the option key) or by buying parrallel's desktop 3.0 for £50 / $80 (view windows and mac at the same time and drag files over nicely).

    I got parallels and it works perfectly now I've got vista and mac on one screen.

    Hope this helps.



  7. it will be very handy to have a computer, but not necessarily a laptop.

    when i was in university, we had computer rooms which we could use to study or surf internet, and university would also provide laptops for presentation if you need one in a lecture room,

    so even if you get a desktop, or a laptop you have to plug in power all the time, it shouldn't cause any inconvenience.

  8. It is up to you, I used to use brown paper bag.

  9. No....people still write on slate, kind of like in the 'Flintstones'.

  10. would help, i would get one yes.

    get an apple mac. they are really worth it!

  11. You don't need a laptop!

    Obviously you have a computer with internet access and that's all you need.

    Just write notes as you said.  When I was there people used to get really annoyed with people who were tapping away on laptops in lectures.  You couldn't hear what the lecturer was saying

  12. You can get a decent laptop for about $500 US, Yahoo just had an article on cheap laptops that are good for school. All you need to do is buy one of those cheap ones and then purchase a new longer life battery for it.

    That being said, you probably can get by without a laptop if you don't mind using the school's computers all the time. I guess it really depends on how much you need a computer for what you are studying.

  13. You need to make use of one, they offer those services

    on campus, you create your personal account, and

    make use of all the programs they offer.

    That is an option other than to buy one,  I've made

    use of this option for years, and it worked for me.

    Even though I own a laptop now, I will still make

    use of the programs I don't own, and don't want

    to spend money on, not needed for later use.

  14. Yes because the computers in the library/resource rooms are never free. My university actually has all the course material on a virtual learning portal, which you can log into off site and access the powerpoint slides. It is so much easier to keep the notes all together, a mountain of papers in my room just makes me so stressed out. Of course you're going to transcribe by hand, but a laptop is required if you want to take your pc to the library, the pub, the campus cafe, home for the weekend. Always take your power leads because there will be places you can plug it in.  

  15. On my law course, no one takes one it 2 a lecture, but they are very useful. You will need one to do your assignments on and save lecture notes on if your lectures put them online. When my laptop broke, i was really struggling with out it. Most universities have 24 hour libraries during term time. Meaning you can work in there and access stuff while your doing assignments,

    I would say you definitely need one

  16. DUH

  17. Macintosh computers have a good battery life.

    You don't really need a laptop, especially if you can write fast. Though they are helpful.

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