
Will I recieve a kickback/bonus for saving a huge bank millions?

by Guest11056  |  earlier

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I found a glitch in some software at a bank I work at that will save the company millions. Is it common to have a large national company compensate an employee at a low level for this discovery?




  1. no, your boss will take the credit.

  2. I hope you do.

    I will be chanting for you.

    But in reality, I doubt it.

  3. Probably not, you will maybe get noticed and maybe a promotion.  just think why would the company want to give away what you just saved for them.

  4. not a chance, you're a little guy...if you really did find a glitch, i'd go to the media to protect your good name--your bank will discredit you...i know....and i wish i'd gone public...

  5. In an ideal world, your discovery would merit reward........

    In reality, you may just get a promotion and raise and possibly a pat on the back from top management.

    If I owned a biz, I would make sure that the employee responsible for such a discovery would get a percentage of the net gains......if you saved the company $1M, Fair compensation would be 1% or 2% as a year end bonus.......that is $100K - $200K ..........I feel that would make me want to bring more ideas to the table.....

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